Early Friday morning, a 180,000 ton coal freighter went through the coal dock at WestShore - the large coal terminal that our proposed Cherry Point coal terminal is supposed to compete with. No story in today's print edition of the Bellingham Herald.
How does this relate to plans for a coal terminal at Cherry Point in Whatcom County? Well, I'm not saying, but do think we should know all the facts so we can discuss and make an intelligent decision. This is a fact and is relevant to coal ports and to what might happen with one here.
The Vancouver Sun has good coverage of this. And the photo above was clipped from the Vancouver Sun. It is a major newspaper that we should all check often for news relevant to our county affairs. We should note that Vancouver is closer to us than Seattle.
Comments by Readers
Larry Horowitz
Dec 08, 2012Here’s a link to the actual news story. John’s link is to the photos:
John Servais
Dec 08, 2012Thanks, Larry. Poor form to rush an article and not test a link that you just know is good.
Bill Black
Dec 11, 2012The lack of coverage by the Bellingham Herald of this incredible event so near, in a variety of ways, Bellingham is sad. Sorta puts the final nail in the coffin of the Herald as a source of news for me.