We are on a blind rampage

C-130 gunships are massacring innocent people in Fallujah and Najaf. No question - we Americans have constructed horrible killing machines. The military likes to say they save “friendly” personnel. We

C-130 gunships are massacring innocent people in Fallujah and Najaf. No question - we Americans have constructed horrible killing machines. The military likes to say they save “friendly” personnel. We

• Topics: USA / Global,
C-130 gunships are massacring innocent people in Fallujah and Najaf. No question - we Americans have constructed horrible killing machines. The military likes to say they save "friendly" personnel. Well, yes, if you kill everyone in a 50-yard circle and demolish every building in a city block, then you have probably killed the enemy soldiers - and all the innocent civilians cowering in their homes also. Dropping a huge bomb does the same - like when we killed dozens at a time trying to bomb Saddam a year ago.

This Fallujah blood bath was executed during the 'cease fire' that our American military says was not interupted by the action. We show unbounded ability to deceive ourselves. Our military shows that old gung-ho attitude of ignoring reality and going straight ahead into disaster.

This war will get worse - because we are turning the entire Arab and Islamic world against us. The war hawks hope we will soon reach a point where the Iraqis will stop resisting us because they will be afraid of our ability to annihilate them. Just listen to the actual words our generals are saying on TV news shows this week. They are threatening death with incredibly stark words. But it only convinces more Iraqis to resist us.

Just one citizen's concerns. An ordinary citizen - a veteran - appalled at what out country is turning into. We are on a blind rampage. We will have all the world against us soon. And we won't have a clue why. Indiscriminate use of C-130 gunships will be one reason why. You know how we can prevent our soldiers from being killed by Iraqis fighters? Bring our kids back to the USA.

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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