This “blog” now approaching its 10th anniversary

Well, when my sainted aunt writes asking if I’m feeling OK because nothing has been posted here, then it is time to pay attention to this blog. With over 300 people a day checking for posts, I could b

Well, when my sainted aunt writes asking if I’m feeling OK because nothing has been posted here, then it is time to pay attention to this blog. With over 300 people a day checking for posts, I could b

• Topics: News Media, NWCitizen,

Well, when my sainted aunt writes asking if I’m feeling OK because nothing has been posted here, then it is time to pay attention to this blog. With over 300 people a day checking for posts, I could be more respectful of your interest and post more. There is no lack of issues - only personal time.

I remember a few years back a local newspaper editor referred to NwCit as a “blog” in an insulting tone. At the time the term was new and I was not sure what it meant, but I knew that he was way behind on understanding communications. Now blogs are an accepted medium. I respected newspapers then and still do. There is a comfort to working one’s way through a good newspaper.

This “blog” is now approaching its 10th anniversary. It started years before the name was coined. It just seemed obvious to me that a website was perfect for posting news. Particularly for issues the daily newspaper ignored. In 1991, my actions in shaking up the Port of Bellingham on the KAP scandals was successful despite the Herald ignoring the issue because the Seattle PI broke the stories. The Herald then decided to make me a non-person. The Herald honors active citizens that way. Thus, I started this website to get local issues out.

Now I’m publisher of the Whatcom Independent weekly newspaper. I started working with several people in 2000 to bring a weekly newspaper to our community. Not an Arts and Entertainment or counter-culture paper, but a paper that reported local news that we citizens need to know about in order to function as citizens. We started publishing in November, 2003, and my business partners asked me to be publisher in January, 2004. I have put my efforts into helping that paper succeed.

So, since starting the paper, I have tended to avoid local issues on NwCitizen, preferring to help the Indy bring out those stories. My activist role must change and I am trying to adapt. I started as an activist in 1978 as an advisor to the first freeholders and in helping pass the Home Rule Charter for our county. This is not the place for a personal chronology - you can read the one posted for years. My point is, I’m not sure what role NwCitizen can play for you, gentle readers. Over the next few months I will be experimenting with some ideas I have. So do check back.

The KAP scandal? The Herald ran one page of articles in 1991 explaining the scandal without mentioning my name. It was a scandal that cost Whatcom County taxpayers over $4 million dollars. The Herald never has printed a word of it since. The Port changed the name of the KAP building to the International Trade Building. It was empty for most of 14 years - costing us taxpayers another million or so dollars. The Feds, via Homeland Security, have just rented the place and saved the Port’s butt. Oh - and none of the Port Commissioners were reelected. Scott Walker beat the incumbent in Nov ‘91 - the first time a sitting Port Commissioner had been defeated in 60 years. The other two commissioners decided not to run again. And I started this blog.

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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