Election results post - Sep 19, 1995

Northwest Citizen started in 1995. This may be the first post - but obviously it started sooner, per witness the political campaign sites.

Northwest Citizen started in 1995. This may be the first post - but obviously it started sooner, per witness the political campaign sites.


September 19, 1995

We have posted official election results for Whatcom County for the September 19 Primary.

This was the beginning of Northwest Citizen.

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Publisher note, Oct 2015.

You can check this first entry still at the old website.

The first 13 years of Northwest Citizen are still online in their original format. This is easy because the site was hand crafted as static pages needing no database or code in order to post. The actual articles from the old website are being slowly transferred to this new database driven website, but the old site will remain as a fun retro journey back. And to lend credibility to the postings.

Many of the links from the old site no longer work. What is neat is how many still do work. In time we hope to fix some links and indicate which cannot be repaired.

Finally, if you visit the 1995 post, you might follow the links to the first political campaign websites in Whatcom County. NWCitizen hosted websites for Pete Kremen in his first run for county executive, for Del Lowry in his run for Bellingham mayor, Mark Asmundsen in his first run for mayor, and the basic beginning of the site for Shirley Leckman, a write in candidate for port commissioner. I was interested then in introducing the use of the Internet to local politicians. By the way, most of the links of those three candidate websites still work. You can read their promises to voters.

- John Servais, Publisher and founder of Northwest Citizen

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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