We salute our veterans today.

Their intentions were to serve our country and they did as they were told and went where they were sent. Our presidents do not always use them correctly, sometimes using them for adventures that have

Their intentions were to serve our country and they did as they were told and went where they were sent. Our presidents do not always use them correctly, sometimes using them for adventures that have

Their intentions were to serve our country and they did as they were told and went where they were sent. Our presidents do not always use them correctly, sometimes using them for adventures that have little or nothing to do with the defense of our country. We must not blame those in the service. They do their best. If we misuse them and abuse their courage for empty missions, then we voters need to take that responsibility. I am a vet. And very proud of it. And am working to make a change so our service men and women can be brought home from Iraq. They are doomed there.

If you read the news behind the news, then you probably know big changes are about to happen in Iraq. If you just watch CNN and FoxNews, then you haven't a clue. Certainly the Herald has not given you a clue. We are about to admit we are at war in Iraq. Of course the Bush supporters will soon deny we ever pretended the war was over. This whole thing is looking more like Vietnam. Anybody see a light at the end of the tunnel?

Want to read the news behind the news? Then routinely check the War and Peace websites listed in the right-hand column. Especially the top five. News, not propaganda.

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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