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Their Blood is on Bush’s Hands

Here is a link to an excellent Flash-style animation about soldiers dying in Iraq.

Here is a link to an excellent Flash-style animation about soldiers dying in Iraq.

• Topics: USA / Global, People,
Here is a link to an excellent Flash-style animation about soldiers dying in Iraq.

Their Blood is on Bush’s Hands

By John ServaisOn Nov 24, 2003

Here is a link to an excellent Flash-style animation about soldiers dying in Iraq.

Lack of environmental enforcement

By John ServaisOn Nov 23, 2003

of some local developers is plain to see in this photo essay at the Lake Whatcom website. The WA Dept of Ecology has enforcement folks tooling around in their spiffy pickups, but no enforcement for th

Suspicious activity

By John ServaisOn Nov 22, 2003

Today’s Herald has a human interest story about Greg Grant who hired sniper John Muhammad for yard chores a year ago - just a couple weeks before his rampage of killing. This past week, Greg testified

New weekly newspaper - Northwest Independent

By John ServaisOn Nov 20, 2003

  • is out and on racks throughout Bellingham and Whatcom County. Pick it up. Give it a chance. It is actually going to try and report local news - city hall and the court house and the issues that affe

The Port has reversed itself

By John ServaisOn Nov 18, 2003

and has hired a private fueling firm for the airport, according to today’s Bham Herald. Remember a couple years ago, summer of 2001, the port terminated Alpha Aviation, saying the Port would run fueli

An analysis of the election results

By John ServaisOn Nov 17, 2003

by Paul de Armond is posted. Paul examines the returns and gives his perspective on what the numbers mean. His is not your conventional approach.

Paul runs the Public Good website and is active

A fun ‘Dean for President’ event

By John ServaisOn Nov 15, 2003

It was all fun, very brief, and is how big things get started. Of course they enjoyed the cake after, even without Dean.

The Northwest Independent News,

By John ServaisOn Nov 14, 2003

a weekly newspaper based in Bellingham, will start publication next Thursday, Nov 20. It will strive to report local news. Amazing. It will be a tabloid and be distributed throughout Whatcom County. Y

We salute our veterans today.

By John ServaisOn Nov 11, 2003

Their intentions were to serve our country and they did as they were told and went where they were sent. Our presidents do not always use them correctly, sometimes using them for adventures that have

Election News

By John ServaisOn Nov 08, 2003

Brett Bonner sent out his concession statement last night, shortly after the auditor posted the final 7,000+ absentee ballots. It shows class by the fellow who waged a positive and forthright campaign

Levys should be for extra programs

By John ServaisOn Nov 06, 2003

Shame on the Bellingham Weekly. Page 3 of today’s paper has “The Slate” with photographs taken at Mark Asmundson’s victory party on Tuesday night. They asked Mark supporters what Brett would do

It is really hard to replace an incumbent

By John ServaisOn Nov 05, 2003

Those not sure just vote for the person in office, preferring a sure thing to an unknown. I give my respect to those who took the challenge and ran against entrenched incumbents. Especially Brett Bonn

Day of our decision.

By John ServaisOn Nov 04, 2003

County Auditor Shirley Forslof will have the election results posted online as soon as or even before the printed copies are brought out her office door to those of us in the courthouse rotunda. First

You would never learn that from the Herald

By John ServaisOn Nov 03, 2003

Sunday’s Herald front page story on the mayor’s race again showed us how to skew reporting to favor your candidate. John Stark does this type of reporting on a regular basis. His story lists controver

For what it is worth,

By John ServaisOn Oct 31, 2003

here are my recommendations for the election.

The basic values that I apply are for elected officials to have honesty and provide open government that is accountable to the citizens. We can all

The huge gap for news in this community

By John ServaisOn Oct 30, 2003

Will be posting election recommendations today. Have not had time for some good posts the past week.

Reliable rumor has it that another weekly newspaper will start publishing in early November

No one in a position of responsibility will touch it

By John ServaisOn Oct 22, 2003

So the Public Disclosure Commission is investigating Foster without any complaint. Yet they pretend to not know of flagrant violations of the PDC laws being committed by Mark Asmundson as Mayor - to w

Another perspective on County elections

By John ServaisOn Oct 21, 2003

I’ve just posted up a commentary by Stephen Trinkaus on all the local elections. He gives the perspective of a liberal activist - one who has participated in the local process and knows what is happen

On the levy, low-cost rentals and the Mayor’s gag order.

By John ServaisOn Oct 19, 2003

Today’s Herald devoted much of the first section of the paper to promoting the levy tax for EMS services, under the guise of reporting the issues. They printed two big graphs showing increases of resp

What closed-door deal has Mark made with Foster?

By John ServaisOn Oct 17, 2003

That is the question making the political rounds this afternoon. Foster Rose, who came in third in the primary election for mayor, today endorsed Mayor Mark Asmundson for reelection. Foster’s voters h