Guest Writer

Citizen Journalist • Member since Jun 15, 2008

Since 2007, this moniker has been used over 150 times on articles written by guest writers who may write once or very occasionally for Northwest Citizen, but not regularly. Some guest writers later became regular writers and we changed the author of their articles from guest to their actual names. For info, click on the 'About' menu tab and see 'Guest Writer Articles.'

Articles by Guest Writer

The Big Picture on Chuckanut Ridge

By Guest WriterOn Feb 03, 2013

Guest writer Nicholas Zaferatos is a 40 year resident of the south side, a former Bellingham Planning Commission member, and is professor of urban planning at Huxley College. ----------- Big Picture [...]

Chuckanut Mountains and the Park District

By Guest WriterOn Feb 01, 2013

Dr. Robert Gibb presents this guest aticle. I write as President of the Chuckanut Mountains Park District Advisory Committee.  The so-called Greenway endowment fund was proposed by the Beyond [...]

Former Park Directors Against Park District Proposal

By Guest WriterOn Jan 31, 2013

Guest writers Byron Elmendorf and Paul Leuthold provide this jointly written article.   ------------- During our over  60 years working for City parks departments with over 30 years as the Bellingham [...]

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