Guest Writer

Citizen Journalist • Member since Jun 15, 2008

Since 2007, this moniker has been used over 150 times on articles written by guest writers who may write once or very occasionally for Northwest Citizen, but not regularly. Some guest writers later became regular writers and we changed the author of their articles from guest to their actual names. For info, click on the 'About' menu tab and see 'Guest Writer Articles.'

Articles by Guest Writer

Help Save Larrabee Elementary School

By Guest WriterOn May 04, 2013

Wendy Scherrer writes this guest post.  She is a very respected and long time leader in the Happy Valley neighborhood.   Larrabee Elementary School is the center of Bellingham&[...]

Closing Arguments in Defense of the Reconveyance

By Guest WriterOn Mar 11, 2013

By guest writer Shane Roth. ---- Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury (of the Court of Public Opinion), I support the reconveyance for a variety of reasons. I am mindful [...]

Again, we must “vote for the forest”.........or should we?

By Guest WriterOn Mar 08, 2013

The following article was written by guest writer Delaine Clizbe. -- The  Metropolitan Park District has squeaked its way into existence. Now it is time to move the discussion [...]

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