Scott Jones

Commenter Role • Member since Jun 11, 2020

Recent comments

"1st paragraph.  * There is no categorical exemption. SEPA should have been done when the lease was signed. They did it so quietly, the appeals timeline was expired by the [...]

Dec 26, 2023 on
The ABC Recycling Hook


Nov 30, 2023 on
ABC Recycling Meets the Public

"It doesn’t take much research to prove your statements false Doug.  Lets start with the beginning of your rant.“To date I have seen zero evidence [...]

Nov 29, 2023 on
ABC Recycling Meets the Public

"“If you did not show up for the public meetings, then don’t you bear some culpability?” You mean the public notice campaign that not even the mayor or [...]

Jun 17, 2023 on
Define "Mandate"

"I find it sad that the conversation has gone to ‘for’ and ‘against’. Doug Karlberg’s arguments can be seen as simply a smoke screen for a project that [...]

Apr 15, 2023 on
The Other Side of the Scrap Pile