"D. Crook, Thank you for sharing your experience with declining community outreach and engagement, which I agree disenfranchises many people. To our detriment, a tremendous amount of talent in our [...]
LeadershipRecent comments
"Dick, I read your article when it was published and thought it was an appropriate critique. When renovating 210 Lottie Street becomes a priority, the design of Council chambers should be [...]
Leadership"Carol, I agree with your thoughts regarding the need for robust community engagement. They are a poignant reminder of the loss of connection we have experienced over the past few [...]
Leadership"Satpal, I believe nonprofits should play a more prominent role in affordable homeownership going forward. One of the most important tools that local governments can use to help support nonprofits [...]
Wildflowers in Santa Ynez"Carol Thank you for all the engagement. I think one of the best resources regarding the complexities of the mortgage securitization market would be former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s [...]
Wildflowers in Santa Ynez