"Thanks for writing and sharing those thoughts, Dianne. I am 100% percent with you (as are most folks who stand the Friday Peace Vigil in downtown Bellingham).
Firing Up the War MachineRecent comments
"After all, we do need to keep our excitement subdued, eh?
Just What We Need - A Bank in Fairhaven"Hi, Dick! I seemed to have learned from the Obama fake healthcare fiasco that we ought to FIRST ... ASK FOR WHAT WE WANT. We can consider comprimises at some [...]
Chutzpah Redefined - Call For Citizen Policing of Medicare Advantage"Good essay, Richard. Thanks One quibble is that even “single payer” is a half-way measure—a true “national health service” would be a more ideal solution, I sense Take care
Chutzpah Redefined - Call For Citizen Policing of Medicare Advantage"A reply to Steve M. James. I first became aware of the phrase “the perfect can be the enemy of the good”, when Obama said it, in order [...]
Vote Yes On Jail Tax - A Personal View