"Thanks for these details, Jon. It’s always interesting — the obfuscation of details in an inquiry where greenwashing is concerned. I whole-heartedly agree that the Bellingham School [...]
No Commitment To Sustainability = No VotesRecent comments
"Alex, it’s obvious that mayor Seth has no idea how trees grow, so how could you fault him? In his addressing the Douglas trail easement/ROW issue he [...]
Not a Single Damn Tree? Really?"“In 40 years of civic involvement, I have repeatedly seen our elected officials play the role of Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown to kick - the public being cast [...]
Today's Cascadia Weekly Gristle is Spot On: Mayor Called Out for Dismissive Attack"Let the Stebner debacle on Padden Creek be a huge wake up call to Seth and City - Buy it. Protect it. Or it is gone! I’m [...]
Heron Colony Still Vulnerable to Development"This is not the first time I’m disappointed in Mayor Seth Fleetwood. He has let the citizens of Bellingham down in so many ways.
Bellingham City Attorneys Removed from Muni Court Case by Judge