Ryan Knowlton

Commenter Role • Bellingham • Member since Jan 23, 2017

3rd generation Whatcom county resident

Recent comments

"Want the simple truth about Covid-19 that no one wants to hear? It can’t be stopped minus a vaccine. It’s simply too contagious. Yes Trump was [...]

Oct 05, 2020 on
The Pandemic and the Presidency

"Kay, the biggest difference is that the “stay home” order came out when we only had a few cases here in Whatcom county, so it’s limited [...]

Apr 07, 2020 on
COVID-19 Hospitalizations in Whatcom County

"David, I was more pointing to the fact that whatcom county has a fairly sparse middle age demographic and a higher numbers of students and elderly than the typical town. [...]

Apr 07, 2020 on
COVID-19 Hospitalizations in Whatcom County

"Be careful with “average age”. We have a large student population that offsets a large retiree/elderly population. While the average age may be close to the same, a higher [...]

Apr 06, 2020 on
COVID-19 Hospitalizations in Whatcom County

"Copying this from my Dr. Lin’s Letter Post/Comments: I would hope that we fare better and this doesn’t become necessary, but we are far better off [...]

Mar 31, 2020 on
Forecasting the COVID-19 Surge Peak in Whatcom County