Articles by Tim Paxton
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"Does anyone ever survey these homeless to see how long they have lived in Whatcom County? Are they raised here or just arrived? I wonder sometimes how many [...]
The Battle for Bellingham's Tiny Homes"Great article. Q: Is this shipping terminal another Chinese owned creation? Q: Has BC or WA shown any ability to increase the Orca Population, ever? Q: Will this [...]
Planned Roberts Bank Terminal Threatens Orcas"City did the same magic trick on the Right of Ways involved in siting the Options High School next to the dirty industrial zone area. The ROW with a [...]
Will City Double-Down to Kill Public Trail?"What Trumpian phrase exactly was it that incited the alleged invaders to wander 45 minutes away over to the Capitol building, before the speech was even over? Timing seems [...]
Satpal on Insurrection