"I enjoyed your interesting and informative article. However, your warning that it should be a big red flag that BP is considering building a hydrogen facility at their Cherry Point [...]
Is Hydrogen the Answer?Recent comments
"I still say it baffles me what any owner of a “green vehicle” would ever think they should not have to help fund the roads and highways expenses. The additional [...]
Highway Robbery"What baffles me is why any owner of a “green vehicle” would ever think they should not have to pay a fair amount to help fund roads and highways expenses. $75 [...]
Highway Robbery"The Homes Now model is great solution for many, but as you say, it is not the solution for everyone. I believe you have a good model for a subset [...]
The Battle for Bellingham's Tiny Homes"Thank you for the informative article. I appreciate it. While I tend to agree with your perspective on our local BPD, I find it disappointing to see the level [...]
Some Thoughts On Policing