"I took a 20 minute phone survey from Williams Pipeline Company. It implied that the terminal was to be on Vancouver Island. The pipeline was to be built through [...]
OregonLNG quits: Cherry Point may be new targetRecent comments
"I liked this article. Though I would be happier if the minimum wage was in the $20 range, I don’t think a single large increase would be the best [...]
$15/hr Minimum Wage - Seriously?"I’m north of town. But we keep hearing concern about BNSF building a siding. Does everyone realize that they have already started building a siding that runs [...]
Good Friends and Neighbors: What $54 Million Doesn’t Buy, Part 2"Education will only help a few. After the Chile earthquake there was a tsunami alert on the Washington coast, but the Fish and Game department failed to cancel the [...]
Planning for Earthquakes"Larry, I think we are out here. I work with 4 or 5 people who like this blog and use it as one of there sources of local news. [...]
Is anybody out there?