"Thanks for the article. Looks like we have a call to the Fraud Line in our future.
Chutzpah Redefined - Call For Citizen Policing of Medicare AdvantageRecent comments
"Well spoken, and meaningful. Thanks.
Some Thoughts on Veterans Day 2023"Thanks Dick. Very informative for us right now. I hadn’t figured it out yet, but you have.
Retirees With Federal Employee Health Care - Beware Of Offers To Switch Drug Coverage"A legal notice SEPA DNS was posted in today’s (October 2, 2023) Herald. It seems this is a step forward. We (the public) should comment to Whatcom [...]
Scrap Metal Pile Includes Many Hazards and Few Benefits"Excellent article, Scott, and thank you for your diligence. And excelleent comments also. One question I have: Is anyone focusing on the need for permits for [...]
Scrap Metal Pile Includes Many Hazards and Few Benefits