"Very interesting discussion. thx to everyonefor their comments. Disappointed that economist Shewmake - who i mostly support has not weighed in here with data confirming or challenging Jon’s data-based [...]
Sharon Shewmake: Corporate Democrat, Riveter, Tied to Big TelecomRecent comments
"Before we expand the UGA - again! - what about repurposing of empty big box stores for modest housing (way better short term housing for homeless than tents or trendy [...]
The Need to Shift Housing Policy"Excellent info and ideas, given that areas of Whatcom County see large increases in transient populations during summer & holidays, including Birch Bay, Lake Whatcom and Lummi Island. I think [...]
Early-Warning Covid-19 Alert for San Juan County and Other Seasonal Resort Communities"Forget covid19, WE are the planet’s worst virus. Pave paradise, put up ANOTHER parking lot…
WWU - Western - Dislikes Trees"Thanks for your continued efforts with this. Stellar job under such challenging conditions. And I agree, you’re right to stop here.
Whatcom County COVID-19: The Final Report