Is 22 North Going South?
[Update 6/7/2022: Several meetings were held on June 2nd on the topic of poor conditions and disruptive behaviors at 22 North. The Director of 22 North, Wendy Lawrence, and the Housing Development [...]
Citizen Journalist and Editor • Member since Jan 26, 2008
Dick Conoboy is a recovering civilian federal worker and military officer who was offered and accepted an all-expense paid, one year trip to Vietnam in 1968. He is a former Army Foreign Area Specialist for Western Europe and Southeast Asia, counter-terrorism intelligence analyst and information/security manager at the Defense Department. Dick also worked as a resource manager at various government offices to include then VP Al Gore’s National Partnership for Re-inventing Government, now recognized as having been a shamefully neo-liberal “think tank”. He speaks fluent French and a passable English learned through many years of elementary school experience diagramming sentences. Dick owes his writing ability to consuming large amounts of chemical laden and fried fresh water pike and perch fished from Lake Erie in the 40s and 50s near his native Cleveland whose Cuyahoga River regularly catches on fire.
Dick Conoboy online:
[Update 6/7/2022: Several meetings were held on June 2nd on the topic of poor conditions and disruptive behaviors at 22 North. The Director of 22 North, Wendy Lawrence, and the Housing Development [...]
In response to a request by the military, the Red Cross sent teams of young female college graduates to Southeast Asia to conduct audience-participation recreation programs for men stationed in [...]
The demand for information on the Trump/Biden plans to privatize Medicare was so great that the rush to join the webinar, hosted by PNHP on 23 May, crashed their site. [...]
"Thanks to Abe Jacobson for calling our attention to the recent article in the New Yorker magazine and therefore expanding the information available on Pete Hegseth. I purposely did not [...]
"A kakistocracy is the word that sums it all up. Read HERE.
"Noam Chomsky said “People not only don’t know what’s happening to them, they don’t even know that they don’t know.” But that [...]
"The following is from a piece by Vijay Prashad of the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research. You can read the entire newsletter by clicking on the title here: Swimming [...]
"To all my readers, I am now getting messages asking me for assistance with MA plans, what to do and where to go. I really don’t have any advice [...]
Getting a letter that declares, “An exciting new prescription drug benefit for you!” should activate your BS detector.
7 comments, most recent 1 year agoWho benefits?
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoAt Large position on the Bellngham City Council
Is this a good place to live? Do you feel safe? Can you afford it? Are too many of us living on the streets? Doug Karlberg has some ideas.
Why a Liberal is voting for a Conservative for the Whatcom County Council
14 comments, most recent 1 year agoThe truth is out there; Jon Humphrey has researched the issues and concisely compiled the results.
5 comments, most recent 1 year agoWard 3 position on the Bellingham City Council
Wendy was an intrepid voice for the environment and the humane treatment of animals. May her memory be for a blessing.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoWhatcom County Sheriff is elected by all county voters, including those in Bellingham, Ferndale and other towns.
Or at least, take a moment to learn about the privatization of Medicare, commonly called Medicare [Dis]Advantage.
1 comment, most recent 1 year agoAn in-depth look at local housing: insightful, researched, and provocative.
5 comments, most recent 1 year agoWhatcom County Sheriff voted on by registered voters in Whatcom County
The passage of time alone will not save Bellingham from this dangerous situation. Only strong and persistent action on the part of its citizens will be effective against this menace.
[Our Guest Writer, Scott Jones, is a Bellingham resident along with his family. He is President of ...
7 comments, most recent 1 year agoThe President of the American Red Cross has come out in support of the Gold Medal for the Dollies who served in Vietnam
We reprint the 2014 speech she gave upon accepting the Paul deArmond Award.
6 comments, most recent 1 year ago$3.5 million Point Roberts Broadband project: is it worth it?
1 comment, most recent 1 year agoThis legislation calls for a $5 trillion National Infrastructure Bank that will finance the nation’s infrastructure needs without involving the budget or adding to the national debt.
4 comments, most recent 1 year agoWhatcom County Council District 4 position is voted for only by those living in the 4th District, the center of the county including Lynden.
1 comment, most recent 1 year agoWhatcom County Executive election, voted on by all residents of our county
Whatcom County Council At Large position, voted on by all residents of the county.
Experience counts.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoThe developer, who bought the property to build the private student dormitory, CityView, now has a very, very large white elephant on his hands.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoThe Port contends it is mandated to increase revenue and jobs for the Port. But just what does that mean?
18 comments, most recent 1 year agoBellingham City Council, At Large position, voted on by all residents of Bellingham.
Meridian School Board election, position 5
They died in Vietnam supporting and entertaining the troops. Memorial Day is for them too. So is a Congressional Gold Medal.
Anika Sirois comments on the idea of a new jail for Whatcom County
The state of Washington has much to gain by the passage of a bill that will provide for $5 trillion to finance infrastructure nationwide.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoThis is not a new phenomenon in our city.
[The following is reprinted from The Retiree Advocate, monthly newsletter of Puget Sound Advocates for Retirement Action (PSARA). &...
1 comment, most recent 1 year agoToxic waste, scrap recycling, jarring noise, and dubious processes on the waterfront: How did this happen?
10 comments, most recent 1 year agoA review and update of Bellingham’s rental registration and inspection program is long overdue.
10 comments, most recent 1 year agoMoreover, is a new jail of any size necessary?
2 comments, most recent 1 year agoIn 2020, there were 464.29 abortions per 1,000 pregnancies among women aged 15-19 in Whatcom County.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoDavid Netboy contends “business as usual” is no longer acceptable, and here’s why.
15 comments, most recent 1 year agoLong-time Port watcher, Doug Karlberg, suggests a different point of view on the waterfront scrap pile.
5 comments, most recent 1 year agoBan them all. Forever. Every single, solitary firearm in the U.S.
18 comments, most recent 1 year agoIncluding others when developing solutions is a hallmark of leadership. It was not evident at the March 13th City Council meeting regarding new drug use sanctions.
7 comments, most recent 1 year agoDavid Netboy writes: So how, exactly, does ABC Scrap Metal “restore the health of the land and water” on our waterfront?
11 comments, most recent 1 year agoGarrett O’Brien guest writes. And just how do we get out of this housing mess?
21 comments, most recent 1 year agoThe Senate Committee on Business, Financial Services, Gaming & Trade failed to vote the bill out of committee, but it can be revived in the second year of the biennium.
The program appears to be dying of self-inflicted wounds that were long predicted. Supporters stiffened their spines instead, ignoring the obvious blood loss.
11 comments, most recent 1 year agoMillions of Medicare recipients have already been schnookered into Medicare Advantage. Don’t be a victim. Fight back.
6 comments, most recent 1 year agoIf we do not speak out NOW on the privatization of Medicare, the system will effectively be eaten alive from within.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoStoney Bird, local writer and activist, was severely injured in a fall at this home. He has helped many. Now it is our time to return the support.
3 comments, most recent 1 year agoAt least with a real joke, you get to laugh. Here, the government seem to laugh at you.
7 comments, most recent 1 year agoAtul Deshmane explains his dissenting vote on the new jail recommendation report of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee to the County Council
9 comments, most recent 1 year agoWith the loss of Michael Gan, TAGNW has become a puppet organization of big telecom that is aggressively working against the public interest.
4 comments, most recent 1 year agoGene Marx is a Vietnam Veteran and past National Board of Directors Secretary of Veterans for Peace. A retired Federal Administration employee, Gene lives in Bellingham, Washington, with his wife Victoria.
17 comments, most recent 1 year ago