Dick Conoboy
Citizen Journalist and Editor • Member since Jan 26, 2008
Dick Conoboy is a recovering civilian federal worker and military officer who was offered and accepted an all-expense paid, one year trip to Vietnam in 1968. He is a former Army Foreign Area Specialist for Western Europe and Southeast Asia, counter-terrorism intelligence analyst and information/security manager at the Defense Department. Dick also worked as a resource manager at various government offices to include then VP Al Gore’s National Partnership for Re-inventing Government, now recognized as having been a shamefully neo-liberal “think tank”. He speaks fluent French and a passable English learned through many years of elementary school experience diagramming sentences. Dick owes his writing ability to consuming large amounts of chemical laden and fried fresh water pike and perch fished from Lake Erie in the 40s and 50s near his native Cleveland whose Cuyahoga River regularly catches on fire.
Dick Conoboy online:
By Dick Conoboy • On Apr 20, 2022
Its been almost three years since the private dormitory complex called CityView was presented to the Puget Neighborhood. Recently, the developer, Morgan Bartlett, (dba* Madrona Bay Real Estate Investments, LLC) [...]
By Dick Conoboy • On Apr 16, 2022
There is a great “tradition” in the U.S. regarding entrepreneurs [from the French entre (between) preneur (taker)]. Privatization of Medicare is bringing forth a host of what I have [...]
By Dick Conoboy • On Apr 01, 2022
Susan Rogers, MD (current president of Physicians for a National Health Program) announced on March 30th the creation of Protect Medicare. From the new organization's home page: “For [...]