"The official CDC breakthrough (deaths and hospitalization) count is here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html (Scroll for the table far below.) The ‘leaked’ DOD [...]
Delta BluesRecent comments
"From NextStrain, It looks like of the new cases *that have been genetically sequenced* in Whatcom County, the B.1.1.7 variant or Clade: ‘20I/501Y.V1’ is becoming [...]
A Variant Virus Outbreak in Whatcom County?"Variant B.1.1.7 is also labeled Clade: ‘20I/501Y.V1’ in NextStrain. NextStrain show this Clade/Variant is fast becoming the dominant strain here in Whatcom County: [...]
A Variant Virus Outbreak in Whatcom County?"Although not widely publicized, Japan jumped on aerosol spread quickly. The Diamond Princess apparently cued them to aerosol spread because their well trained infection specialist got Covid-19 despite precautions. From [...]
Coronavirus and Community"Japan and South Korea are seeing upticks in cases and deaths now. But compared to the rest of the world their numbers are exceptionally low. Their approaches were different. No [...]
Coronavirus and Community