We are remembering Reagan for the wrong reasons
and we will suffer for it. Reagan did not win the Cold War. Communism was systemically fatal - just as all the conservatives kept saying. Reagan did do the right things to end the Cold War - and he de
Site Admin • Member since Jul 20, 2009
and we will suffer for it. Reagan did not win the Cold War. Communism was systemically fatal - just as all the conservatives kept saying. Reagan did do the right things to end the Cold War - and he de
Today the Washington Department of Ecology released a report that says, basically, that mercury in the lake is less now than in the past. “Decreasing” is the operative word.
Local conservatives
The initiative is ‘remove motor boats’, not ‘remove boats’ from Lake Whatcom. Our Chamber of Commerce just lies in print to achieve their goal of defeating the initiative.
ABC News has an exclusive interview with a sergeant in the 302 MI Battalion, a unit of Col Pappas 205 MI Brigade. See NwCit report below of May 4 - two weeks ago. The sergeant says there was and is a
This statement was posted on the DOD website on Saturday - and I took a computer photo of it on Sunday - to catch them if they changed it. Well, they went back and doctored it - improved it - without
It is to cause extreme physical or mental pain for punishment or to extract a confession or information. Our government officials are now saying we do not torture because we follow the Geneva rules. T
A short note. For days we have all listened to voices from the left demand resignations and voices from the right actually defend this behavior or at least excuse it. We have not seen any reporting on
Questions not being asked by the press about the abuses. At least I’ve not run across them in news reports. The reports have not gone into any more detail in three days. We see a few more photos but n
Colonel Thomas Pappas continues in command of the 205th Military Intelligence Brigade - according to today’s Baltimore Sun. He is the bastard who has the most to answer for in this whole abuse mess. A
Colonel Thomas Pappas. Why have the news media not told you about this guy? They have told us a lot about General Janis Karpinski, the commander of the military police who operated the Abu Ghraib pris
is a sad development for our country. I don’t want to pile on and kick our military as we need a strong armed services to survive in this world. We can only hope that full investigations are carried o
C-130 gunships are massacring innocent people in Fallujah and Najaf. No question - we Americans have constructed horrible killing machines. The military likes to say they save “friendly” personnel. We
They wanted to help defend democracy and our country. Instead they were used as cannon fodder in a foreign war of conquest - ordered by men who avoided their own military service when they were youngs
They have chosen to stop being dupes of the US. The Spanish people overwhelmingly told their government to stop the invasion and occupation of a country that was no threat to any other country - and c
This will go down as the worst presidential press conference in the history of the American Presidency.
The fellow spoke today to mute the headlines that would result from his intelligence chie
The following is from an email I received from Takhoman, the Internet news in Tacoma who first broke the story of their police chief Brame when the regular media would not touch it. Takhoman is reliab
If you want to know what is happening in Iraq then you have to read the foreign press and independent websites. The major American news media are not present where the action is and are simply sanitiz
You will not learn the full truth about this week in Iraq for many years - if the US military has its way. Our troops are causing unspeakable horrors to the Iraqi people. You must read the foreign pre
To watch CNN today is to ask “what mass killing of Iraqis in a mosque”. Same on FoxNews. Not mentioned directly and you have to look elsewhere for details. Much talk about ‘test of wills’ and US milit
When some of the 24 US soldiers wounded in Iraq over the weekend die from their wounds - they will not be counted as deaths in Iraq. Only those who actually die on the battlefield are counted.<
Initiative 872 will allow us citizens to vote to have a ‘Top 2’ primary election process. The ‘Peoples Choice’ initiative is now launched by the Washington State Grange. You can order petitions at the
10:30 am
As scripted, a partial veto. Gov. Locke vetoed the ‘Top 2’ section of the primary election bill, SB6453. This gets the Republican and Democrat party bosses off the hook - a huge favor to t
Gov. Locke is not scheduled to act on the primary election bill today. This the 20th day since the legislature adjourned and supposedly the last day he can act on a bill. SB6453 is missing from his fu
For your morning entertainment. And for those who are in awe of the ‘experts’ in Olympia. Gov Locke vetoes three sections of a bill meant to streamline our bankruptcy laws. To wit:
Before Wednesday, Gov. Locke will act on SB6453, the primary election bill. There has been no news on his deliberations these past two weeks. All legislators are very quiet. No press releases by the p
Gov. Locke has not acted on the primary election bill. No doubt he is wondering how his reputation will be hurt if he vetoes the ‘Top 2’ process. He will be known in the future as the guy who tried to
Today’s Bham Herald editorial is well meaning but hopelessly ignorant of the process in Olympia. Naive may be a better word to describe their editorial board. Gee, goes the editorial - the legislature
Will Gov Locke veto the ‘Top 2’ primary process and allow the Montana process to become law? Probably, but not necessarily. He may sign the entire bill - getting himself off the hook with voters - and
The ‘Top 2’ primary election bill has a poison pill in it. Our legislators tonight have changed just three words that will allow the Republican and Democratic party bosses to successfully challenge th
We have Kelli Linville and Doug Ericksen voting against democracy and for the iron grip of the two political parties on our election process. Shame on them.
Quall and Morris voted for the ‘Top
SB6453 passed the House late this evening by a vote of 51 to 46. Now - if Gov. Locke will just sign it. More when we have more facts. The morning papers should cover it decently.
Kelli Linville
On Friday morning at 8 am, the WA House committee on government will hold a hearing on the “Top 2” primary election bill - Senate Bill 6453. This is the hot bill this legislative session. The House wi
If WWU gets their way, $20 million in state taxes will be spent on jack-hammering out good roads and building new ones a hundred yards away. No increase in safety nor traffic movement. A big in
Empty and rigged voting system or citizens choosing their representatives? Which will our state legislators choose? The US Supreme Court on Monday made final the requirement that our state legislature
Dean link is moved down as his website will continue to push for change in this country. Kucinich link is at top as he needs to be heard and paid attention to. Kerry - not a great candidate and not a
We see 1/100 of one part per billion or less of benzene to water during most of the year 2000 and into the spring of 2001. Then in the summer we see the amount rise by ten fold to over 1/10 of one par
Motor boats off Lake Whatcom? What was that apology from City Senior Planner Chris Spens at the city council on Monday? El-bull-in-china-shop Chris got the word from el mayor that the motor-boat initi
We have mercury contamination all over our county. That we know. Lake Whatcom and Bellingham Bay. Georgia Pacific’s chlorine plant leaked mercury for about 35 years and neither GP nor our environmenta
He will certainly have my support if he gets the nomination. And it looks like the Democratic party machine will give him that at the convention in Boston next July.
That said, it is really a m
Let’s hope the Democrats select Howard Dean at their caucuses tomorrow in Washington State. Let’s select the guy with the best potential to beat Bush. And let’s hope we get a Cajun primary from our St
a much better chance of beating Bush than John Kerry? Because Kerry will be tarred and feathered by the Republicans if he is the nominee. Kerry is a guy who puts effort into his image and little into
Hell, he was a deserter. Now, now. It is quite true. I’ve been through this several times over three years now with conservative friends. They end up changing the subject or getting all excited about
Know how to stop Western Washington University from repeatedly trying to destroy the neighborhoods around it? By limiting its potential size and by starting a new university in Everett or Port Angeles
CBS said ad too controversial for Americans
Super Bowl is nice family occasion
FCC refused to speak out or monitor CBS
Ad with horse farting in woman’s face is OK
Ad with dog biting man on
Am adding a link to the Evergreen Freedom Foundation down in the Reference section. They post fiscal information on government agencies, state and local. They are the folks who uncovered the hundreds
Moveon.org has a TV ad about the huge national deficit that George W is giving us. They have raised the million or more dollars to run it during the Super Bowl broadcast this coming Sunday. But - CBS
The Town Crier has a nicely improved home page which lists all articles with dates of publication. This Bellingham-based website is worth your checking for a more conservative viewpoint. You can find
added to the Reference section in the right side column. It deals with our 4th Amendment rights to privacy - just what the government is busy dismantling in the name of security. Bill Scannell runs th
The future of our war in Iraq is analyzed and predictions are made in a new post on the website World In Conflict, a sub-site of NwCitizen. Credit for the articles there belongs to a local academic wh