"Here’s an edifying tale from a community in Oregon: SOme years ago the Breitenbush Hot Springs Resort, which is run communally, had a vote on whether to install [...]
Preliminary RF Exposure TestsArticles by David Camp
Recent comments
"Yup - the happiest and best functioning (for their citizens) advanced countries are those that have a mixed economy. Business is capitalist; Social functions like education, healthcare , police, fire, [...]
November 5th Existing Network Meeting (COB's Mansplaining)"You’d think a good starting point for COB staff and electeds would be to visit with Mt. Vernon and see how they managed to install a local fiber network [...]
November 5th Existing Network Meeting (COB's Mansplaining)"Jon - thanks for this. We got an invitation to participate in the transportation study and quit filling it out when they asked for very detailed information about what year [...]
Whatcom Regional Transportation Study (Deeply Flawed)"Thanks, Steve, for the law enforcement perspective. Like all deceptive advertising, this thing relies on the ignorance of its target to succeed, and we need more voices to inform voters [...]
Some Thoughts on I-1639 and its Fraudulent Character