"I am fully in favor of Single-Payer Health Care - from many years back. I met with the Whatcom group which was trying to get it enacted. They tried as [...]
Now is time for single-payer health insuranceArticles by Marian Beddill
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"Oh, Damn the reality of life…. Bob Keller was such an admirable person - being involved in the community for the benefit of the community. With his large network [...]
Bob Keller has passed on."Am I correct in seeing only a few precincts (maybe 6 or 8)which have been split - thus going part into one district and part into a different district? Also, a [...]
Proposed redistricting map for your review"Let’s consider our similar history - of dams: (do note that I am an engineer):- Engineers know how to design and build dams - then people [...]
Idea for Our Times: Puget Sound Repair Project"I’ll add more in a bit, but for starters, go peek at this history: scvhistory.com/pico/lw2420 http://www.scvhistory.com/pico/lw2420.htm ;
Idea for Our Times: Puget Sound Repair Project