"What another oollege town did before jumping to a new beureaucracy: http://www.pullman-wa.gov/DrawOnePage.aspx?PageID=981 Having been a fairly attendee at city council meetings, I know for [...]
Bellingham needs rental licensing and inspectionsRecent comments
"Let’s see…With a $35 fee times 34,000 units…mmm…A City-in-Need would get around $1,190,000… That would buy a passel of smoke detectors. California has a law (California Health and Safety [...]
Bellingham needs rental licensing and inspections"I can almost hear that old Beach Boys’ song: “Wouldn’t it be nice if…” Ask Diana McGinness (who is running against Rick Larsen’s $700,000 and growing war chest) if [...]
Financing Elections"Hi, Craig- As I said, if you care to actually know what I’m talking about, my prior posting has the link. And, showing evidence that someone has misrepresented herself [...]
Local Right Wing campaign operating plan"Oh, I don’t know Craig, but those 25 bogus reasons for voting for the BIAW/Saturna/Realtor candidates was a pretty creative smear piece. All they had to do was [...]
Local Right Wing campaign operating plan