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Hannah Ordos for County Council

Why a Liberal is voting for a Conservative for the Whatcom County Council

Why a Liberal is voting for a Conservative for the Whatcom County Council

• Topics: Whatcom County, Elections,

Hannah Ordos will get my “liberal” vote for County Council. And honestly, in order to win, she will need a fair number of liberal votes. Hannah is a 5th generation county resident with solid values and a good education. She has participated in local civic affairs for many years and is ready to represent us all. Hannah is running against the Democratic candidate, Jon Scanlon who announced he was going to move to Washington state to help flip elected seats. (See the screenshot of his Facebook post.) He has serious political deficiencies for Whatcom County.

We need a swing vote on the County Council and Hannah Ordos is our only chance. She will not be an automatic Republican vote. The good old conservative boys of the Republican party were surprised last May when Hannah filed for office. They did not trust her. This is good because if/when she wins, she will not be beholden to them. She is not a put up candidate; she is her own person.

I spent a couple hours talking with her over coffee and found that she knew our county and its issues very well. She was open and willing to discuss even controversial issues without hiding behind vague answers. She is not an ideologue, as is so often the case with both Democrats and Republicans these days. As an active citizen for many years, she strongly believes in greater transparency in public affairs, that our county government should be more open.   For myself, as a citizen activst for decades in this county, transparency is the best cure for the many ills of our divisive political climate.

Hannah Ordos’ family has been in Whatcom County for over 100 years with roots near Sumas. She spent almost 20 years living and working in Bellingham after graduating from Western. She has followed and participated in local civic issues for years. She moved back to the Sumas area in 2020 when the pandemic hit.  

On the other hand, her opponent, Jon Scanlon, is very new to Whatcom County, having arrived in 2019 because his wife got a job here. With no real ties to our area, he may leave in a few years. He’s a carpet bagger whose campaign is being managed by Lisa McShane—a Democratic Party operator who has run slick campaigns for decades. Hannah is up against a powerful machine. 

Jon Scanlon Facebook post June 2019

In fact, if elected, Mr. Scanlon will no doubt take his voting orders directly from the Democratic Party. He may be more loyal to the Party than to our county. His career was with the U.S. State Department in other countries, not in local politics. The guy seems little more than a party hack. If flipping seats is his purpose, no thanks.

Another big concern if we elect Scanlon, is that the Democratic Party will have free reign on how the jail and children’s levies are structured. They won’t need to be transparent about their intentions—and many of us already have serious apprehensions about how those millions of levy dollars will be spent. In fact, the vaguely worded “Safety” levy on the ballot (the new jail) is from the leadership of Satpal Sidhu and Barry Buchannan. Again, not notable for its clear intent. If Scanlon is elected, the Dems will rule and won’t need to bother with transparency.  

I’m liberal, but Independent, and have never belonged to the Democratic Party. I’m also a progressive and environmentalist and Hannah appeals to my sense of open mindedness, while genuinely wanting what is best for our county. Hannah is the sort of representative we all want, and I hope other liberals will join me in voting for Hannah Ordos for County Council.   

Check her website - - and watch the video statement by her. It is less than 2 minutes. Join me in voting for Hannah Ordos.

Comments by Readers

D. Crook

Oct 27, 2023

I can’t think of a single R who will risk speaking out to hold their party accountable when they disagree with what their party is doing, or who won’t fall-in-line with even the most toxic, xenophobic, racist, oppressive, theocratic, intolerant, etc. initiatives & behaviors, if that’s the general inlination of the party on a particular issue(s).  Caveat?—there appear to be some who will speak out if they don’t intend on running for office again—but even then, they have to be willing to risk threats of violence from their own followers.

Demcrats haven’t done a whole lot better, IMO.  I tolerate them as (usally) the least-worst choice.  The only hope or optimisim I ever feel is with the progressives who run under the D sponsorship; and there just aren’t enough of them to change the tide away from warfar, and toward human rights, inclusive society, responsible climate management, etc.

I long to be able to vote FOR the choice I feel is best, instead of AGAINST the choice I feel is worst.  Maybe we’ll get there with rank-choice voting—I think it could only be an improvement.


Steve M. James

Oct 27, 2023

Since when do members of the Republican party do anything other than follow the party line. Why would Ordos be any different ? Republicans have a habit of saying one thing before the election and doing nothing but the party agenda once elected. Remember, this is the party who supports Tumps and his cronies. Did you ask her about election denial or supporting Trump? The answer to those questions could say a lot who she really is.  We don’t need anymore Republican robots in government. This article really doesn’t support Ordos rather trashes Scanlon. 

Take a look at the Whatcom Party platform. Platitudes not policy. It addresses none of our local issues:

Sorry John, you are dead wrong on this one. 


Doug Karlberg

Oct 27, 2023

Mr. James,

You write; “Since when do members of the Republican Party do anything other than follow the party line.(?)

Excellant question

Here is the answer. “When the candidate in question is not a Democrat.”

‘Hannah Ordos is not a Republican. Ms. Ordos is an independent and intentionally did not join either party, which should be your first clue as to how she might vote.

Ms. Ordos did send a letter to the Democratic Party and the Republican Party requesting their respective endorsements.

‘The Democratic Party did not even give her the courtesy of a response. (Big mistake IMO)

The Republican Party did endorse Ms. Ordos, which may have caused some confusion, but Candidate Ordos is not a member of the Republican Party.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I interviewed Hannah Ordos on behalf of the Whatcom Commercial Fishermen’s Association. WCFA formally endorsed Candidate Ordos. I am going to vote for her and here is why.

In the last 15 years I have interviewed a lot of local candidates. Hands down the most prepared for the job, is Ms. Ordos. She is smart, she knows our community because it is her community, and she has been attending County Council meetings for three years preparing for this job. I have never met a fresh candidate that worked this hard. I think she understands that demonizing the police because of rogue police officer in Minnesota, is not not going to keep us safer, and losing young people to drugs is a crisis that needs addressing with policies that are effective.

(Russ Whidbee get my runner up award)

John Servais and Dick Conoboy provide this space for political discussions. We as a community are lucky. One of my pet peeves is that politics has become nasty today. The unfair nastiness hurts our whole community, chasing people that would excellant candidates away from public service.

Both parties are guilty of this as they reward loyalty to the party, rather than loyalty to the whole community. This is where Candidate Ordos shines the brightest.

Please don’t be one of those nasty people.


Steve M. James

Oct 27, 2023

Doug Karlberg


Sorry, but the bothism arguement falls flat with me. A party that supports not condems insurrection is a threat to me and always will be. Active who are currnt members of that party are a threat by association. Many former Republicans have left the party for exactly that and many other reasons. I used to be able to have reasonable and heated discussions with Republican friends. Unfortunately those exchanges are no longer posiible. Ms Ordos is endorsed by Whatcom County Republicans. She could reject that endorsement but has chosen not to. 

I stand by my post.


Doug Karlberg

Oct 27, 2023

Mr. James,

Oh, for Pete’s sake. Hannah Ordos had nothing to do with January 6th. Your attitude towards well qualified candidates is one of the reasons good people don’t run

If Candidate Ordos would have gotten endorsements from both parties I can barely imagine the twisted logic you would use then.

If you don’t join a political party, it means that you are putting the all the citizens first, and in today’s red and blue Hatfield’s and McCoy’s fight to the death over who is on God’s side, ... is as good as it gets.


Steve M. James

Oct 27, 2023

Mr Karlburg,

I respectfully disagree.

Fist, my belief that anyone who associates itself with a polictical party that refuses to accept the reality of Jan 6th is neither twisted or unfounded. You may choose to not agree with that. Ms Ordos’s decision to not disclaim the endorsement tells me tons about her character which to me is far more important than political experience. 

Second, the article could have been written without trashing Mr. Scanlon. It was not and in fact the article critisizes Mr. Scanlon for his assoiciation with Whatcom Democrats. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. 

Nuff said


D. Crook

Oct 27, 2023

If Ordos sought the endorsement of the party that supported (and continues to evade, deny, excuse, etc.) the overthrow of the U.S. government, and got it…

And if Ordos sought the endorsement of the party that opposed the insurrection, and didn’t get it…

It seems like the parties have reached a point of agreement: the R’s think she’s an R, and the D’s think she’s an R.


I don’t want to be unfair—any argument made in good-faith should be falsifiable.

If she’s not an R, and if as you claim she is willing to go against the R-party when she doesn’t agree with them—let’s see it.  Will she, before the voting is done, widely and publicly denounce 45 for the items he was impeached for?  for the insurrection?  for the crimes he’s currently under enditement for?  I’ll re-consider her case if she can.


Doug Karlberg

Oct 27, 2023

Mr. James,

If I understand you correctly. Anyone who is a Republican or even remotely associated with the Republican Party, in your eyes is unfit for elected office.

‘That should bring our community together. Everyone feeling they have a voice.

‘This is an At-Large position. You know that right?


Steve M. James

Oct 27, 2023

Mr Karlberg

Anyone, Republican, Democrat or Independent who does not comdemn and disassociate themselves with the Jan 6th insurrection is unfit to hold any public office. Being silent on the subject is condonation. 

There is no “bringing together” those who would destroy our democracy with a viloent insurrection. I have and will continue to disassociate with those who continue supporting the “big lie”. This not a matter of “partisan politics, it is about integrity and character, Ms Ordos sought the endorsement of an orginization that refuses to accept or denounce the reality of Jan 6th. Not acceptable. So, let me ask you. Do you believe what happened on Jan 6th was an attempt to over throw the duly elected President and install the loser of the election in that office? Are we able to come to an agreement on that topic. 

And. by the way, I am aware that this is an at large position. I am not an uninformed voter so please curb the insults. 


Doug Karlberg

Oct 27, 2023

Mr. James,

‘This will be my last post on this subject. You may have the last word.

It is patently unfair to judge Candidate Orfos based on a question that has not been asked of her. I have no idea where she stands on Jan. 6th, more importantly, neither do you. Might want to ask her.

We pay local leaders to solve local problems, and not get bogged down in the quagmire of national politics.

The last insurrection led by a man with a fur hat and horns, were the Vikings in the 11th century. At least they had an organized plan and weapons of war. If this was an insurrection, it was executed by the Keystone Cops. You are welcome to label it anything you wish.

With young people dying in record numbers from overdoses, crime setting records, police resigning, unaffordable housing leading the nation, and homelessness increasing at a stunning rate, ... the fella with the horned hat just is not my primary concern.

We need balanced government so that every voice feels heard, including Republicans.(I am an independent), which is why I asked if you understood that this is the At-Large position. I would prefer a balanced candidate for the At-Large position because they have to represent all of the citizens in Whatcom County, rather than an individual district. A distinction worth noting.



Pat Britain

Oct 28, 2023

“The good old conservative boys of the Republican party were surprised last May when Hannah filed for office. They did not trust her. This is good because if/when she wins, she will not be beholden to them. She is not a put up candidate; she is her own person.”

Maybe John could cite how he knows what the “good old conservative boys of the Republican party” feel or trust regarding Hannah? Just because they didn’t choose her doesn’t mean she didn’t choose them. The Whatcom GOP did decide to endorse her, although she doesn’t list that endorsement on mailers that I have received.

Two out of the three mailers that arrived in our mailbox about Hannah Ordos were financed by Concerned Taxpayers of Washington State, a PAC that supports Republican candidates. I don’t think they put that kind of money behind candidates that don’t or won’t line up with their expectations.

It seems to me that Ms. Ordos may be trying to appeal to the largest number of Whatcom County voters by not being explicit about her associations and views on controversial issues.


John Servais

Oct 31, 2023

Mr. James shows the destructive and divisive tone that is threatening our country with ruin.  He shows the partisan fever - the tribal anger - that is so destructive to civil discussion.  He is a Demcrat who is showing the same hatred and anger that he accuses the Republicans of having.  

I did not ask Hannah about any national issues or personalities.  Those have nothing to do with the decisions she will deal with as a county council member. 

One of the reasons I am for Hannah is because she is an Independent. She is not a member of the Republican party as Mr. James suggests.  Indeed, her opponent Jon Scanlon, a Democratic Party candidate, said  to friends that if Ds stick together then they “… can elect any candidate.” That is chilling - as it shows more regard for partisan politics - which Mr. James rants at - than a regard for qualified candidates.

Hannah can win if even 2% of Liberals and Democrats vote for her. The Lisa McShane campaign machine makes Scanlon the favored to win.  The local Republicans have hardly supported Hannah as they focus their efforts and money on keeping Ben Elenbaas in office.  Vote for Hannah Ordos.


Karen Steen

Nov 07, 2023


I enthusiastically join you in supporting Hannah Ordos for County Council.

Like you, I am a lifelong independent classical liberal. On one occasion in a previous life I claimed a party affiliation to vote in a primary; this now serves only to stuff my recycle bin with party machine mailers that make me howl in dismay every election season.

Why I support Hannah Ordos:
This summer I met with Hannah and discussed in detail her bio, political philosophy, and campaign platform. I’m convinced she is taking the high road of inclusive, pragmatic public service for our county citizenry, and she will work for public policy that emerges from robust non-partisan civic dialogue. I’m confident Hannah will serve Whatcon County citizens in our best collective interest, as she has deep roots here and genuinely regards everyones’ views and concerns as part of the way forward.

Thank you, John, for your discernment and courage in supporting Hannah Ordos and for calling out divisive, destructive partisan politics. I only wish I’d discovered your post sooner to add my voice of support.

Fist bumps to you and Hannah Ordos for Whatcom County Council!


Karen Steen

Nov 07, 2023

Doug Karlberg,

I appreciate your tone and well-reasoned responses to Mr. James’ comments. I also admire your patience in doing so.

Carry on!


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