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One of over 1,600 vigils across the USA
Sat, Aug 20, post
Below I suggest no local elected officials attended the vigil. I am pleased to report that city council member Terry Borneman attended. Others saw him and told me. Anyone e
Sat, Aug 20, post
Below I suggest no local elected officials attended the vigil. I am pleased to report that city council member Terry Borneman attended. Others saw him and told me. Anyone e
Below I suggest no local elected officials attended the vigil. I am pleased to report that city council member Terry Borneman attended. Others saw him and told me. Anyone else?
10 pm post
Several hundred citizens assembled on the Fairhaven Village Green this evening to stand with Cindy Sheehan who is standing in Texas.
Heads up when autumn arrives and we assemble to protest the war. Dan rented the Green from the Bellingham Parks and then registered the vigil with, where 285 people registered to attend. This was one of over 1,600 vigils across the USA this evening.
We looked in vain for any elected officials. Sharon Crozier, running for the Bellingham City Council, was the only candidate present. Where are our local "leaders"? Our US Representative Rick Larsen is again sitting on the fence - as he did at the beginning of the war. We read that the Democrats are holding back, waiting to see what happens. Seems the leaders of this country are the citizens. We will show them the way. Again.
I thank Dan Weekly for just plain making this happen. As expected, some arrived at 7:30, some at 8 and some after. Everyone made this a very good vigil. Several minutes of silence marked the focal point of the evening. We can expect more of these. I will post info at the top of this page as far in advance as possible.
Tis time for us all to stop this war and bring our boys and girls home. Before more of them are killed, maimed or mentally destroyed. We can aid Iraq in rebuilding at less cost. No other country is going to attack them. They invented civilization and can take care of themselves. They don't need us.
4 pm post
Liberals can't organize a vigil. I doubt most can organize a birthday party. I'm liberal and proud of it. I agree with my fellow liberals on political principles - but am appalled at their clumsy but good-intentioned efforts to organize anything.
The vigil this evening will actually start at 8 pm, not 7:30 pm as stated on the MoveOn website - nor at 8:30 pm as the local organizers informed many. Emails are flying around the county this afternoon trying to clarify all this. Why? Gawd, I can't answer that. I've watched for years as one event after another is scrambled because of time or who is invited or who is supposed to speak or even dates.
A conservative event starts on time and does what it advertises. The snacks are good and there is always literature. Organizers approach newcomers and welcome them.
Oh well. People will gather this evening on the Village Green. We will probably see a huge crowd. It will all work out OK. One difference between liberals and conservatives is liberals go with the flow and conservatives get irritated if things don't proceed per plan. Hmmm - so maybe I'm a closet.... No.
Watching CNN with Anderson Cooper as he interviews war hawks who explain Cindy Sheehan's viewpoint. He does not interview any from the staunch left who are well informed. Normal twisting news control by CNN to discredit what the people of this country want. Only Aaron Brown remains credible on CNN.
10 am post
As of this morning, over 200 people have signed up at the website for this evening's vigil at the Fairhaven Village Green. We can expect many who did not sign up - making for a respectable vigil.
Signing up also sends a message with the number of others across our country that we share the feelings and questions of Cindy Sheehan. Why should any more of our kids be blown to bits in Iraq? What is the "noble cause"?
No speakers this evening - I am told at least. Bring a candle if you have one. It will be cloudy but not raining - and pleasantly warm. See you there.
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One of over 1,600 vigils across the USA
Sat, Aug 20, post
Below I suggest no local elected officials attended the vigil. I am pleased to report that city council member Terry Borneman attended. Others saw him and told me. Anyone e
A vigil to support Cindy Sheehan
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