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The Mexicans beat us anyway

We can all feel better as Americans today, as it turns out we did cheat last night in trying to beat the Mexicans. Whew. We did give it the old American best after all. Last night, I missed the early

We can all feel better as Americans today, as it turns out we did cheat last night in trying to beat the Mexicans. Whew. We did give it the old American best after all. Last night, I missed the early

• Topics: Leisure,
We can all feel better as Americans today, as it turns out we did cheat last night in trying to beat the Mexicans. Whew. We did give it the old American best after all. Last night, I missed the early innings and the great bad call by umpire Bob Davidson that reduced a Mexican home run to an infield double. Of course video showed the call to be wrong. Of course the Mexican coach protested.

Bob Davidson is the same US umpire who cheated the Japanese out of scoring last week and helped the US win against Japan. To give the US all stars the needed edge, we again had US umpires in a game with the US team - which in itself is cheating. The American way. But the Mexicans beat us anyway.

The Mexicans beat us anyway

By John ServaisOn Mar 17, 2006

We can all feel better as Americans today, as it turns out we did cheat last night in trying to beat the Mexicans. Whew. We did give it the old American best after all. Last night, I missed the early

We act like we have all the answers

By John ServaisOn Mar 16, 2006

Somebody forgot to tell the Mexicans that they couldn’t beat the US baseball major league all stars. Take a hint. Clemens pitching? A batting lineup of all stars? Those little fellows south of the bor

A continuation of the Mar 13 post -

By John ServaisOn Mar 15, 2006

when we - Americans in this case - do lose at something despite our cheating, we simply ignore it as best we can. We pretend it didn’t happen. Lose the war to Vietnam? Destroy the city of Fallujah and

How do Americans win? By cheating,

By John ServaisOn Mar 13, 2006

of course. Today American baseball umpire Bob Davidson nicely reversed a call in the new Baseball Classic which gave the American team a win over the Japanese - who were threatening to win. No problem

She said “No” to VP Dick Cheney

By John ServaisOn Feb 10, 2006

  • and now she may go to jail for it. So much for free speech in America. The careful process of shutting up Americans. The Eugene, Oregon, Weekly has the story.

    Oh, and no, I will not shut up.

Those who support the war would not be too offended

By John ServaisOn Dec 28, 2005

Juan Cole continues to provide the best available analysis of our Iraq involvement - at least that I have found. While his stance is not supportive of the Bush imperial goals, those in support of the

Has the ACLU sold out?

By John ServaisOn Nov 29, 2005

From an AP article today:

“Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about

Cheney is a fraud

By John ServaisOn Nov 25, 2005

Draft Dodger Dick Cheney wants to continue sending young Americans to death in Iraq. And being maimed - and being mentally unstable the rest of their lives. Dick didn’t want to go to Viet Nam to fight

War mongers are like a wolf pack

By John ServaisOn Nov 19, 2005

I watched the US House of Representatives on C-Span last night - live. A sad display. They have now all gone home for a 2-week vacation - even before they have finished taking away the safety nets for

The two-step shuffle

By John ServaisOn Nov 13, 2005

From the year 2000 when Bush took office, till recently, the Bush Administration has slammed the Clinton administration for not being concerned about Iraq and Saddam. Now that the lies of Bush are bei

I have no edge on anyone

By John ServaisOn Nov 12, 2005

GW Bush says we critics of his war are rewriting history. He says no one knew the intelligence was false in the spring of 2003 and going to war had broad support. Well, this common citizen in the far

Another attack on US soil will benefit GW

By John ServaisOn Nov 11, 2005

A GOP memo is calculating that another terrorist attack on US soil will benefit GW and the Republicans. These are the guys who celebrate the deaths of American kids in war. So, is the party of Lincoln

No oil there so the US cares not

By John ServaisOn Nov 08, 2005

Winter is descending on Pakistan and the earthquake victims will continue dying by the thousands over the next few weeks. Why? Because the relief agencies - including our American Red Cross - are trea

Mark Wilson is running for US Senator

By John ServaisOn Nov 05, 2005

  • as a Democrat and against Maria Cantwell. His website is and it will be posted in the column to the right in

This is the thought process of a cave man

By John ServaisOn Oct 25, 2005

2,000 US military persons have been killed on the battlefields of Iraq since the March 2003 bombing and invasion. What is more horrifying is over 15,000 have been wounded. And tens of th


By John ServaisOn Oct 19, 2005

Got your attention? Time magazine has an article this week about our Bellingham fight over whether or not to put fluoride in our drinking water. It is worth reading.

I think putting this medici

“A broader role for the armed forces”

By John ServaisOn Oct 18, 2005

“It is now clear that a challenge on this scale requires greater federal authority and a broader role for the armed forces – the institution of our government most capable of massive logistical opera

Where does the buck stop?

By John ServaisOn Sep 03, 2005

Most agree - even W. Bush - that FEMA has botched the aid effort for New Orleans. Now we learn that Mike Brown, the director of FEMA, was fired in 2001 from his last private sector job of overseeing h

Greatest movie line ever?

By John ServaisOn Sep 01, 2005

Latest right-wing banal humor circulating on the Internet. This from the guys who say “my country, right or wrong”. This from the folks who actually think they have a rational reason for us to be inva

A new Bellingham progressive web site

By John ServaisOn Aug 19, 2005

  • Vote PC - has just been put up by Ryan Ferris. It has a very good mission. To bring some intelligence and law to our local governments in Whatcom County. That includes the Port of Bellingham. I’m p