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This is too rich to pass up

Karl Rove is being exposed as pressuring Rep. Foley - the Republican who pursued teenage Congressional pages - to run for Congress one more time. Indeed, Karl apparently told Foley that if he did not

Karl Rove is being exposed as pressuring Rep. Foley - the Republican who pursued teenage Congressional pages - to run for Congress one more time. Indeed, Karl apparently told Foley that if he did not

• Topics: Elections, News Media, People,
Karl Rove is being exposed as pressuring Rep. Foley - the Republican who pursued teenage Congressional pages - to run for Congress one more time. Indeed, Karl apparently told Foley that if he did not run again that his future career as a lobbyist would be hampered. Lets see how long it takes our big Corporate media to touch that one.

The Associated Press did a hit piece on Sen. Reid - very unusual for the AP but perhaps something that should cause us to be more skeptical of their reporting on political matters. The Bellingham Herald ran the story this morning. The story twists the facts and spins them to imply that Reid gained a financial benefit from shady land deals. This same AP reporter, John Solomon, has written two previous articles about Reid that were shown to be inaccurate. Here are two posts that explain the situation - TPM Muckraker and The Daily KOS.

This is too rich to pass up

By John ServaisOn Oct 12, 2006

Karl Rove is being exposed as pressuring Rep. Foley - the Republican who pursued teenage Congressional pages - to run for Congress one more time. Indeed, Karl apparently told Foley that if he did not

General Election schedule posted

By John ServaisOn Oct 10, 2006

The Auditor’s Election webpage has posted the General Election schedule. Indeed, ballots will be mailed to all of us starting a week from tomorrow on Oct 18. While the corporate media like to say it i

The Internet age and our Auditor

By John ServaisOn Oct 09, 2006

Next week the Auditor will mail out our ballots to us. Catch that? Next week, we start voting. Yet - our Whatcom County Auditor web page has no information at all about the general election. No dates

Swimming upstream

By John ServaisOn Oct 07, 2006

As Republicans try to prove the Democrats sprung the Foley scandal as an ‘October Surprise’, it is fun to actually learn how it all started. Check out the website for CREW - Citizens for Responsibilit

Applying band-aids to scandal

By John ServaisOn Oct 05, 2006

Right wingnuts - Drudge, Gingrich and others - are saying the Democrats want Republican House leader Hastert to resign so as to enhance Democratic House candidates in the November election. You know,

If the facts don’t fit, then lie (National)

By John ServaisOn Oct 04, 2006

Oh, I’m sorry, that is unfair. If the facts don’t fit then make a mistake. (This post is labeled National so no conservative has to read this far and become upset - as I don’t want to hurt their relia

There will always be guys who go wrong

By John ServaisOn Oct 03, 2006

Now the right wing media theme is Rep. Foley is a homosexual - as if that explains pedophilia. So, would they say a rapist is just a heterosexual person? The Wall Street Journal and other right wingnu

“... naughty e-mails…” (National)

By John ServaisOn Oct 02, 2006

is all they are according to the White House. (Tony Snow on CNN) Yep - from the same folks who say torture is “procedures”. And this explains why the top leadership of the Republican Congress ignored

Republican Congressmen also lie about having sex

By John ServaisOn Sep 30, 2006

So - it seems top Republican Congressmen also lie about having sex with interns - er, pages. I ask you - what is worse - exploiting a person over 21 - legally impossible - or a boy of 16? Seems the to

This bill authorizes torture

By John ServaisOn Sep 28, 2006

The “Terrorist Detainee” bill passed the US House of Representatives by 253 to 168 vote yesterday. Aka the Military Commissions Act of 2006. House Resolution 6166, passed on Roll Call 491 of the secon

Branches vs main library

By John ServaisOn Sep 20, 2006

For the record, the library administration reacted to the post below by shifting the argument from branches to drive times and looking to give us crumbs from the main library bond issue in the form of

Meeting in the middle of a business day

By John ServaisOn Sep 18, 2006

The Bellingham Library Board of Trustees will meet Tue, Sep 19 at 2:30 pm in the basement meeting room of the downtown library - the room across the hall from the Children’s Library. The public

We need branch libraries - not a new main library

By John ServaisOn Sep 17, 2006

This coming Tuesday, our Bellingham Library Board of Trustees may make a decision on where to locate a new, huge, downtown library building. The plan is to ask voters to pass a bond issue of several t

Good God, is our country mad?

By John ServaisOn Sep 16, 2006

Bush wants to continue torturing captives. Why are we even discussing this? The Nazis and Soviet Russia tortured people to get information - not the USA. Now here is Bush demanding the authority to t

Will history repeat?

By John ServaisOn Sep 15, 2006

Anti-War demonstration next Tuesday in New York will probably be big. Bush will be speaking at the UN on that day to further his Iraq war. Demonstrators are being denied permits - and we can expect a

Let the games begin

By John ServaisOn Sep 12, 2006

Tim Douglas - the longest-serving mayor in Bellingham’s history - will now serve another year. This also sets up a perfect scenario for Dan McShane’s run for mayor as there will be no incumbent. Asmun

9/11/01-post review/City Council meeting venue

By John ServaisOn Sep 11, 2006

What NWCitizen posted on Sept 11, 2001 seems to have stood the test of time. The cautions and concerns about democracy and hate were relevant considering the hate mongering and mindless striking out a

Voting recommendations for the Primary Election

By John ServaisOn Sep 08, 2006

Mail your ballot before Tuesday, Sept 19 (or by 5 pm that day if you want to take a chance).

Mary Kay Becker
- re-elect her as a judge to the Appeals Court. Her opponent, Teichert, is ba

Who wants to be mayor

By John ServaisOn Sep 03, 2006

and what political gaming is being played to best position a candidate for the big election in the fall of 2007? I will be doing my best to sort this out for you over the next few weeks.


Some clarification is needed here

By John ServaisOn Aug 30, 2006

Gene Knutson is not knowingly part of any arrangement by Mark to succeed him as mayor. Below in yesterday’s post I suggested just that but today I’ve been convinced that Gene is personally on the up a

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