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Welcome to America!

Protesting and dissent is no longer supervised by the police. It is actively escalated to violence, punished and prosecuted. This snippet is about a fellow rotting in jail as the result of his journal

Protesting and dissent is no longer supervised by the police. It is actively escalated to violence, punished and prosecuted. This snippet is about a fellow rotting in jail as the result of his journal

• Topics: Bellingham, People,
Protesting and dissent is no longer supervised by the police. It is actively escalated to violence, punished and prosecuted. This snippet is about a fellow rotting in jail as the result of his journalism and the state's enthusiasm for punishing dissent.

The video says it better than I can. Look at Josh Wolf's site , Free the Media and Free Josh Coalition. I can say we've seen similar robo-cop action right here in Bellingham.

Welcome to America!

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 19, 2006

Protesting and dissent is no longer supervised by the police. It is actively escalated to violence, punished and prosecuted. This snippet is about a fellow rotting in jail as the result of his journal

Let them vote on it?

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 19, 2006

Zetta Bracher, President of the local Democratic Women’s Club, has an idea for getting consensus on our “new direction” in Iraq.

When it became apparent that there were no weapons of mass destr

Hot Button

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 16, 2006

The war in Iraq is widely regarded to have been the “hot button” issue of the last election. I don’t buy it. Americans seem to like a good fight. After all, we get into a lot of them. The problem with

Plenty more to flush

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 12, 2006

Bellingham’s new, old mayor, Tim Douglas, got off to a great running start at his new job by dealing quickly and firmly with an important issue that threatened to embarrass the City forever - the form

Killers or Healers?

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 09, 2006

Congratulations, Americans. That was certainly worth voting for! Voters thoroughly routing the entrenched Neo-Con administration will help restore our world image, so badly damaged since re-electing t

Electile Dysfunction

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 06, 2006

Nope. I didn’t make it up. It’s from the subtitle of a book by Steve Bhaerman, under the pen name Swami Beyondananda. I have to admire the guy. At least he can laugh about it. But Americans should do

The 16% Solution

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 05, 2006

Results from the 17th year of a poll routinely taken by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News show that only 16 percent approve of the job Congress is doing. 52 percent of those polled said they’d pref

Swirling Logo

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 05, 2006

Hopefully the City’s new swirling logo will flush itself before it ends up glued on vehicles and emblazoned on letterhead. It’s horrible, but that’s only half the story. And we will probably never get

The Truth Fairy

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 04, 2006

Heading into the last days of this election season, George Bush and his Neo-Con Republicans have been strumming a familiar tune to promote their candidates. Republicans, they say, will

1) P

My name is Tip Johnson.

By Tip JohnsonOn Nov 03, 2006

Gentle readers,

My name is Tip Johnson. The usual editor of this publication has asked me to fill in for a bit while he is busy with other matters. Some of you have already written, following h

Website restructuring

By John ServaisOn Nov 02, 2006

After today, a friend will take over writing to this space for a few weeks. I’ll let him introduce himself to you. I’ve some personal things that need my full attention for the next month or two. Even

Do you vote your emotions, not your mind?

By John ServaisOn Nov 01, 2006

Now Karl Rove starts his directing of emotional outrage comments on most any news item that is handy - in his effort to get people to vote with their emotions of the moment and not with their mind. Ro

One of the finest journalistic minds in America

By John ServaisOn Oct 30, 2006

George Will is a respected conservative columnist - and I invite you to read his current column in Newsweek. It is two pages - not long - and please read to the last two-word sentence. You know George

Free Rick

By John ServaisOn Oct 29, 2006

Free Rick Larsen is a new website by anti-war activists in Bellingham. These are serious citizens whom Rick has dissed and ignored. One has even been banned from his office for the rest of her life. T

Attemped murder ignored?

By John ServaisOn Oct 28, 2006

Did Lee Boyd Malvo and John Allen Muhammad shoot and wound Margot in Bellingham back in 2002? NwCitizen raised this question in October 2002 and Bellingham Police Chief Randy Carroll laughed at the su

Military blocked from some websites

By John ServaisOn Oct 27, 2006

The Pentagon is blocking liberal websites, such as Wonkette, from our military in Iraq. Blatant censorship and violation of free speech and press - don’t let the soldiers know there are questions abou

How a democracy overthrows a government without killing

By John ServaisOn Oct 26, 2006

We will have sent over 100 young Americans to their deaths in Iraq in October. The highest in almost two years. And the 4th month of increasing deaths. And perhaps up to 1,000 to a life with injuries

“Staying the course”

By John ServaisOn Oct 25, 2006

Why we need to vote for Rick Larsen and win a Democratic Party majority in the House of Representatives is illustrated in this new TV ad for Democrats. The ad highlights the absurdity of Bush now sayi

Do it for America

By John ServaisOn Oct 23, 2006

Want to do something to end the war in Iraq? Then vote for Rick Larsen. And Maria Cantwell. Rick’s seat is not secure. If even a small percent - say 5% - of liberals who are strongly anti-war refuse t

Hold your nose, but vote

By John ServaisOn Oct 22, 2006

Gentle reader - if you are liberal and against the war, then please please vote for Rick Larsen. Hold your nose, but vote for him. And, a bit easier, vote for Maria Cantwell. I am meeting frien