Recent Articles

No ad on CBS Super Bowl

CBS said ad too controversial for Americans
Super Bowl is nice family occasion
FCC refused to speak out or monitor CBS
Ad with horse farting in woman’s face is OK
Ad with dog biting man on

CBS said ad too controversial for Americans
Super Bowl is nice family occasion
FCC refused to speak out or monitor CBS
Ad with horse farting in woman’s face is OK
Ad with dog biting man on

• Topics: Elections, News Media, Leisure,
CBS said ad too controversial for Americans
Super Bowl is nice family occasion
FCC refused to speak out or monitor CBS
Ad with horse farting in woman's face is OK
Ad with dog biting man on gonads is OK
Janet and Justin were big CBS show
Family fare - nice American stuff

FCC today says it will investigate outrageous bare breast
One so-so breast for a few seconds is a 'so what?'
Nada from FCC about censorship of ad
Ad showed children working off national debt
FCC chair Powell should be ashamed of himself
Bush admin granted CBS big favor for monopoly growth last June

No ad on CBS Super Bowl

By John ServaisOn Feb 02, 2004

CBS said ad too controversial for Americans
Super Bowl is nice family occasion
FCC refused to speak out or monitor CBS
Ad with horse farting in woman’s face is OK
Ad with dog biting man on

We should speak out against this secret giveaway

By John ServaisOn Jan 29, 2004

Am adding a link to the Evergreen Freedom Foundation down in the Reference section. They post fiscal information on government agencies, state and local. They are the folks who uncovered the hundreds

Super Bowl ad ‘too controversial’

By John ServaisOn Jan 27, 2004 has a TV ad about the huge national deficit that George W is giving us. They have raised the million or more dollars to run it during the Super Bowl broadcast this coming Sunday. But - CBS

A new local conservative website

By John ServaisOn Jan 24, 2004

The Town Crier has a nicely improved home page which lists all articles with dates of publication. This Bellingham-based website is worth your checking for a more conservative viewpoint. You can find

Don’t spy on us is a new link

By John ServaisOn Jan 23, 2004

added to the Reference section in the right side column. It deals with our 4th Amendment rights to privacy - just what the government is busy dismantling in the name of security. Bill Scannell runs th

The toxins would drift to our lungs

By John ServaisOn Jan 22, 2004

The future of our war in Iraq is analyzed and predictions are made in a new post on the website World In Conflict, a sub-site of NwCitizen. Credit for the articles there belongs to a local academic wh

Watching Dean on TV celebrating 3rd place

By John ServaisOn Jan 20, 2004

in Iowa embarrassed me. Watching John Edwards speak after his surprise 2nd-place finish was refreshing and hopeful. Edwards spoke to America during his 7 minutes of coverage by all the networks. Dean

Martin Luther King was a true American hero

By John ServaisOn Jan 19, 2004

and champion of our basic rights. Without him we would be a more backward country today - and perhaps have more internal violence. He showed the way for whites as well as blacks towards a society of e

Screwed up city bureaucracy is exposed

By John ServaisOn Jan 16, 2004

by Tim Paxton. He posted this to the Lake Whatcom discussion group and has given permission for posting here. I phoned the city attorney’s office and asked the name of this attorney in Tim’s report. T

Northwest Citizen is firmly for Howard Dean

By John ServaisOn Jan 15, 2004

for President. The most important single reason is that I think he can beat George Bush. I’m independent, never having belonged to either party. Some of my best liberal friends insist I’m a closet con

The second issue of The Town Crier is out

By John ServaisOn Jan 14, 2004

The online edition has the same articles as the four-page tabloid. It would help if the editor would put dates with the online articles so we know which are current. Editor James Johann prints an anal

Posted mid January at bottom of home page

By John ServaisOn Jan 14, 2004

About 240 citizens check NwCitizen each day and regular readers check about once a week. Over 4,000 unique - different - citizens check this site every month. Examining where you come from reve

Find your way - and please use it

By John ServaisOn Jan 08, 2004

We read that 35 US soldiers were “hit” in Iraq yesterday. When our Bellingham Herald does print war casualties on the front page, the choice of words seeks to minimize the tragedy. Hit. Did someone pu

Did you feel the earthquake at 4:11 pm

By John ServaisOn Jan 06, 2004

this afternoon? A small 2.7 intensity quake under the southern part of Chuckanut Mountain, about 4 miles south of Fairhaven, jolted us. You can check the earthquake site for details.

Does FoxNews lie and distort the news

By John ServaisOn Jan 03, 2004

to fit their conservative agenda? Yes. On a daily basis. Here is a nice example.

“Dean Attack on Kerry Farm Vote Backfires” reads the headline of a Jan 2 article suggesting Dean has accused Ker

The dismantling of civil liberties

By John ServaisOn Dec 28, 2003

I see the Bham Herald has taken to printing US war dead on the back pages. Maybe some directive came down from Gannett headquarters telling all 80-some Gannettoids to print this awkward bad news in th

Check the War and Peace links

By John ServaisOn Dec 18, 2003

May I urge you, gentle reader and patriotic American, to check the War and Peace website links on the right. Look for articles that may give you more facts and information on what our country is doing

The capture of Saddam Hussein today

By John ServaisOn Dec 14, 2003

is the end of one chapter and the beginning of another for Iraq and also for the United States.

If your reaction to reading those words is “dahhh” then pause a moment and consider what you thin

How much did George W know before 9/11

By John ServaisOn Dec 03, 2003

about the impending attack? Enough to have stopped the attack? The widow of a fellow killed in the attack has refused the $1 million from the government and is suing George W and his advisors. And she

Obviously a no-win situation

By John ServaisOn Dec 02, 2003

I urge you to visit the independent websites that report on events in Iraq. Independent being those not owned by US corporate media, such as CNN, Fox, MSNbc, etc. The independent War and Peace sites a