Watching Dean on TV celebrating 3rd place

in Iowa embarrassed me. Watching John Edwards speak after his surprise 2nd-place finish was refreshing and hopeful. Edwards spoke to America during his 7 minutes of coverage by all the networks. Dean

in Iowa embarrassed me. Watching John Edwards speak after his surprise 2nd-place finish was refreshing and hopeful. Edwards spoke to America during his 7 minutes of coverage by all the networks. Dean

• Topics: Elections, People,
in Iowa embarrassed me. Watching John Edwards speak after his surprise 2nd-place finish was refreshing and hopeful. Edwards spoke to America during his 7 minutes of coverage by all the networks. Dean wasted his. Edwards spoke to basic progressive values of fairness for all.

How did Kerry win? The labor unions brought in thousands of people on Monday night to register as Democrats and vote for him. Democratic Party machine politics. This was not an election. It was a political organization process. How did Dean lose? Gephardt sliced and diced him in a desperate gamble to save his own political future. All Gephardt succeeded in doing was bring down both of them. Now Gephardt is out. Also the Dean campaign went to sleep with arrogance, predicting victory and not paying attention to what Kerry was doing.

Edwards is the winner. Not Kerry. Kerry cannot use those tactics to win a fair election. New Hampshire is an election - not a caucus. See how he does there. A link to John Edwards website is now added on the right. Kucinich? Ahhh, well he may not appear a serious contender but he speaks so well to issues. I can't let go of him.

In the end we need a candidate who can beat Bush. The differences between the candidates pale to insignificance after that need. I'm putting back the link to Kerry as a service. He has fudged words to hide his support for the war in Iraq. He now pretends he was against it.

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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