a weekly newspaper based in Bellingham, will start publication next Thursday, Nov 20. It will strive to report local news. Amazing. It will be a tabloid and be distributed throughout Whatcom County. Yes, it will be free and depend on advertising for revenue. Wayne Ellis of the old Every Other Weekly and myself are among the new owners. Sharon Crozier, who owned and ran the Blaine Banner for years, is the publisher and managing editor.
When the Bellingham Weekly started six months ago, many of us hoped it would challenge the Herald on local news reporting. It has not done any local reporting, with most local news it does print having already appeared in the Herald or the Western Front. Most people I talk with are quite disappointed with the paper. Most of us pick it up only for the Skinny. Even that is not focused on local issues.
Lame excuse of the week is from Tim Johnson, editor of the Bellingham Weekly. His excuse for the sleazy Nov. 6 Slate attack on Brett Bonner after the election is: "Brett supporters were solicited but did not participate." This is justification for kicking someone who is down? It speaks well of Brett's supporters that they did not want to participate. By the way, I was at Brett's headquarters that night while Tim was there and saw no evidence of his soliciting anyone for the slate.
Then we have the charming slander of myself from Terry Bornemann in his letter to the editor in this week's Weekly. Terry makes it easy for me to take the high road. Thanks Terry. And thanks Tim for spelling my name correctly. You really need to read Terry's letter to appreciate his ability to participate in the rough-and-tumble of local politics - even when he wins reelection by 60%. He has never sent a correction on facts posted here but I have been critical of him. And we do disagree in our opinions on public process. My real sin was supporting Sheri Ward against Terry in the primary. In the general election, NwCitizen endorsed Terry. Go figure.
Of course I'll be telling you more about the new Independent over the next few days. Want to place an ad in the first issue? Phone Wayne at 676-9411, the Independent number, or his cell phone at 739-2657. It is good to have Wayne back out working on newspaper ads.
When the Bellingham Weekly started six months ago, many of us hoped it would challenge the Herald on local news reporting. It has not done any local reporting, with most local news it does print having already appeared in the Herald or the Western Front. Most people I talk with are quite disappointed with the paper. Most of us pick it up only for the Skinny. Even that is not focused on local issues.
Lame excuse of the week is from Tim Johnson, editor of the Bellingham Weekly. His excuse for the sleazy Nov. 6 Slate attack on Brett Bonner after the election is: "Brett supporters were solicited but did not participate." This is justification for kicking someone who is down? It speaks well of Brett's supporters that they did not want to participate. By the way, I was at Brett's headquarters that night while Tim was there and saw no evidence of his soliciting anyone for the slate.
Then we have the charming slander of myself from Terry Bornemann in his letter to the editor in this week's Weekly. Terry makes it easy for me to take the high road. Thanks Terry. And thanks Tim for spelling my name correctly. You really need to read Terry's letter to appreciate his ability to participate in the rough-and-tumble of local politics - even when he wins reelection by 60%. He has never sent a correction on facts posted here but I have been critical of him. And we do disagree in our opinions on public process. My real sin was supporting Sheri Ward against Terry in the primary. In the general election, NwCitizen endorsed Terry. Go figure.
Of course I'll be telling you more about the new Independent over the next few days. Want to place an ad in the first issue? Phone Wayne at 676-9411, the Independent number, or his cell phone at 739-2657. It is good to have Wayne back out working on newspaper ads.