The head of the CIA should be a civilian
A gauntlet has been thrown down on the floor by GW Bush. By nominating General Hayden to head up the CIA, Bush is daring good citizens, the responsible media and decent Senators and Representatives to
A gauntlet has been thrown down on the floor by GW Bush. By nominating General Hayden to head up the CIA, Bush is daring good citizens, the responsible media and decent Senators and Representatives to
This Hayden appointment is critical enough for us common citizens to express our objections by letters to our Representatives and Senators. George "I'm the decider" Bush is now daring us to stop him from bringing the military further into our government. The head of the CIA should be a civilian - certainly not an active military general. And not the guy who is illegally wiretapping all of us - right now.
We note The Huffington Post will mark one year of posting tomorrow. Arianna has built her website into one of the very best news sources on the web, imo. I am posting the link to the top of this column. Check it out.
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