70 US Soldiers killed in September - so far. Another 10 of our kids may be killed by Friday, the end of the month, for a total of 80 - the fourth highest since the war "ended". Wounded and maimed? Very hard to get those numbers, but hundreds. Several hundreds.
The stupidest thing said is those kids are dying to defend my freedom. Horse pucky. Those kids are dying in a futile quest for empire and riches for international corporations. Those kids are dying because of the demented and misplaced machismo of the Bush administration. Those kids are dying for the fantasy goals of neo-conservatives idiots in our US Government.
They are dying because they signed up to serve and were ordered to Iraq. Our freedoms were never threatened by Saddam or by Iraq. Never. Not for a minute. And my conservative friends side step that fact in every discussion. Those kids are dying for nothing. And there is no reason on earth for any more to die.
I hear we should stay and "finish" the job. Or that we caused this mess and therefore we should stay long enough to fix it. Again, horse pucky. If we pulled out this week, there would be chaos and civil war and eventually the Iraqis would sort it out. If we stay another year, then when we pull out there will be chaos and civil war. No difference. Remember - the ancient Iraqis invented civilization - the rule of law was invented there. They can take care of themselves, given the chance. But we want their oil and there is the rub.
The ancient Iraqis invented civilization
70 US Soldiers killed in September - so far. Another 10 of our kids may be killed by Friday, the end of the month, for a total of 80 - the fourth highest since the war “ended”. Wounded and maimed? Ver
70 US Soldiers killed in September - so far. Another 10 of our kids may be killed by Friday, the end of the month, for a total of 80 - the fourth highest since the war “ended”. Wounded and maimed? Ver
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