Super Bowl ad ‘too controversial’ has a TV ad about the huge national deficit that George W is giving us. They have raised the million or more dollars to run it during the Super Bowl broadcast this coming Sunday. But - CBS has a TV ad about the huge national deficit that George W is giving us. They have raised the million or more dollars to run it during the Super Bowl broadcast this coming Sunday. But - CBS has a TV ad about the huge national deficit that George W is giving us. They have raised the million or more dollars to run it during the Super Bowl broadcast this coming Sunday. But - CBS is refusing to run the ad, saying it is "too controversial". Fellow citizen, the very airwaves CBS uses are owned by us citizens. I urge you to view the ad and then contact CBS and the FCC. Seems CBS has just gotten some big favors from the Bush government and that is probably the actual reason they won't run the ad. Time to make a call.
About John Servais
Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008
John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]
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