Nader Counterpunches
The eternally committed Ralph Nader continues to follow and speak frankly about the affairs important to average Americans.
In an article today at Counterpunch, The Greedsters
The eternally committed Ralph Nader continues to follow and speak frankly about the affairs important to average Americans.
In an article today at Counterpunch, The Greedsters
In an article today at Counterpunch, The Greedsters are Back, Mr. Nader asks, "How about a test of your injustice barometer?
You might think that the reckless, avaricious, giant corporations, having shrunk the economy, cost millions of jobs and then demanded that taxpayers be dunned for years into the future for multi-trillion dollar bailouts, would show contrition, regret, or self-restraint.
Forget it. They’re baaack!"
If you're concerned about the corruption, decline and fall of American democracy and its social, political and economic institutions you can read the whole article HERE
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Comments by Readers
Doug Karlberg
Apr 18, 2009The excerpt below is from Ralph Nader?s website, who is quite liberal, but even he is concerned.
“?because our President and Chris Dodd were both bought with Goldman Sachs? money. These two men have received more money from Wall Street than any politician in the history of the United States. By the way, Obama was only around for two years, while Dodd was there for more than a decade.
Obama received more money from Wall Street in two years than Dodd did in a decade.”
I believe that this quote has its facts accurate. I am concerned, because I believe, right or wrong, that when you wish to understand hidden motives, the most accurate predictor is…
... to follow the money.
g.h. kirsch
Apr 18, 2009Point of clarification: Counterpunch is not Nader’s website.
Counterpunch, and its associated newsletter are the work of Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair.
Mike Whitney is a contributor, like Ralph Nader.