Locke is working _with_ the party machines
Today’s Bham Herald editorial is well meaning but hopelessly ignorant of the process in Olympia. Naive may be a better word to describe their editorial board. Gee, goes the editorial - the legislature
Today’s Bham Herald editorial is well meaning but hopelessly ignorant of the process in Olympia. Naive may be a better word to describe their editorial board. Gee, goes the editorial - the legislature
They totally miss that our elected legislators worked very hard crafting a bill precisely so that Locke _can_ veto the 'Top 2' section of it. This was done on orders from Republican and Democratic party bosses to our elected representatives. This party pressure is well documented in news reports over the past several weeks. The editorial urges Locke to "... not bow to the pressure of the party machines." Duh. Locke is working _with_ the party machines. They are discussing which roles each of them will play in dismantling the 'Top 2' primary process. :-b
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