It is really hard to replace an incumbent
Those not sure just vote for the person in office, preferring a sure thing to an unknown. I give my respect to those who took the challenge and ran against entrenched incumbents. Especially Brett Bonn
Those not sure just vote for the person in office, preferring a sure thing to an unknown. I give my respect to those who took the challenge and ran against entrenched incumbents. Especially Brett Bonn
Those not sure just vote for the person in office, preferring a sure thing to an unknown. I give my respect to those who took the challenge and ran against entrenched incumbents. Especially Brett Bonner who risked much. We needed change at the city and did not get any. Virtually every liberal I talked with during the past months was not pleased with the choices and wished better liberals were running. Well, now we will watch what happens when the mayor who wins is someone no one wants in office.
Jim Jorgensen is to be complimented for his win as Port Commissioner. We look for Jim to bring changes to the Port. But we are not leaving all the responsibility with him. This website is joining with several citizens in an effort to expand the Port Commission from three to five members. After the almost petrified process of the past few years at the Port, we need to expand the deliberative body. The Port is our key to a viable economy in Whatcom County. It has failed us for years.
On a personal note, it was 25 years ago that Whacom County voters passed the Home Rule Charter, our county constitution. It was a big change and the voters showed a willingness. I was involved in promoting that change and am quite proud of the results. Last night Pete Kremen unveiled a permanent addition to the court house rotunda wall - a photograph of the 21 freeholders of 1978 who crafted the charter. I was their public relations advisor and worked with them for the passage of the charter. It passed with 55% - a solid acceptance. We were not afraid of change back in those days and it paid off in spades.
About John Servais
Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008
John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]
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