Hey Rick - call home

Still no answer from Rick Larsen’s staff. No answer to direct questions has been the process for the past couple years. His office probably responds the same day to questions from lobbyists, PR firms

Still no answer from Rick Larsen’s staff. No answer to direct questions has been the process for the past couple years. His office probably responds the same day to questions from lobbyists, PR firms

Still no answer from Rick Larsen’s staff. No answer to direct questions has been the process for the past couple years. His office probably responds the same day to questions from lobbyists, PR firms and big money contributors. But constituents? Seems not. Probably too many of us. Rick has a large staff - with 15 or more in DC alone - so it is just a matter of priorities. Plus he has staff at his Everett and Bellingham offices - all paid for by us. Hey Rick - call home. Why did you vote for Bush’s bills to eliminate all estate taxes on the very rich and hurt the poor with tough bankruptcy laws?

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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