Two special Facebook Friends awakened me to the factoid that 2011 is a prime number.
Not just any old prime number either, but a sexy prime!
Sexy primes, I learned from Wikipedia, happen when two prime numbers are 6 apart, like 5 and 11, and 2011 and 2017.
My Facebook Friend posted: "Dude, now I'm REALLY wondering why I have never seen any sci-fi set in 2011. Or for that matter, 2011's sex partner 2017."
"I'm seeing it as a welcome, fast blossoming, anti-millennialism omen and campaign." I will write back as soon as I blog about It All.
2012 be damned! 2011 through 2017 sounds like better numbers to believe in and practice..The make-love-not-war years! The do-the-math years!
Truth is, I'm scared to research the myths (or worse, the realities) surrounding all the end-of-the-world predictions connected with the number and date, 2012 (next year.)
But I can't help noticing, without even googling, that millennialism at the dawn of the 2000s zzzzzhappening - like at the dawn of the 1000s - with lots of focus on the year (next year) of 2012.
Millenialism, like last time, frightens me.
So do many other forms of millenarianism. Wikipedia defines:
Millenarianism (also millenarism) is the belief by a religious, social, or political group or movement in a coming major transformation of society, after which all things will be changed. Millennialism is a specific form of millenarianism based on a one-thousand-year cycle, which many sects of different religions believe.
But without internet researching - or posting to an online forum - my questions about whether 2012's ancient roots lie in western magic, like I've heard some say in chat rooms... And without finding out what brands of Christians link the year 2012 with Armageddon...(I don't want to plug into those sources of 2012 myths - they anger as well as frighten me.) I can safely say, ( I pray,) that 2012 is believed to be the end of the Mayan calendar by many - or close enough to the end according to others.
Hear that ring tone? Time for a new calendar application.
Imagine Y2K fully upgraded with dramatically enhanced performance.
Meanwhile my adult digital friends, exactly when will your sexy prime years happen if not NOW?
Be in the know in the NOW. Never forget that elders from the Sixties thankfully still fail to forget how the late visionary, medicine-man, and science-minded, Pluto in Leo Generation, prophet, Terace McKenna, claimed the final period of the universe's informational evolution began on 6 August 1945, and will end with a point of "maximized novelty" by 22 December 2012.
Terence McKenna, a trippy writer to say the least, said, "I ’ve been talking about it since 1971, and what’s interesting to me is at the beginning, it was material for hospitalization, now it is a minority viewpoint and everything is on schedule. My career is on schedule, the evolution of cybernetic technology is on schedule, the evolution of a global information network is on schedule. Given this asymptotic curve, I think we’ll arrive under budget, on time, December 22, 2012.
Certainly we now see/feel these hard and heavy times busy paining many humans and other creatures. And we can't say it wasn't prophecized. Because, again thankfully, we flower-elders haven't yet lost our memoriies of how early environmental scientists predicted current climate extremes way back in the 1960s and 1970s, (forty year ago news - now historic news, now extremely old news to lurkers here.) However, (I believe this in my heart), early environmental scientists avoided linking their predictions with the numerous myths of the year and number, 2012.
But Shirley, if we turn our focus and phone capabilities to prime numerology, and the dawning of 2011 through 2017... If we really believe in the power of these sexy prime years to make love and reproduce more prime numbers, not make war, oppression, poverty, and destruction... I mean if we rise up Twitterpated, then maybe 2012 can be an intense but rather ordinary happy new year - next year.
Sorry for such a long text to simply say, Happy 2011 through 2017 to you, and U2..