George Bush AWOL?
Hell, he was a deserter. Now, now. It is quite true. I’ve been through this several times over three years now with conservative friends. They end up changing the subject or getting all excited about
Hell, he was a deserter. Now, now. It is quite true. I’ve been through this several times over three years now with conservative friends. They end up changing the subject or getting all excited about
Bush is a deserter. These links have been posted here for years. Nothing new. George Bush - AWOL & deserter and Chickehhawks - draft dodgers. Shall I say it again? George W Bush went absent without leave from his military duty in the Air National Guard in 1972. After 30 days of not reporting for duty, it became desertion. They shot a soldier in World War II for this. Bush did not report for months - and there is a good question if he ever reported again. He simply skipped off. He pulled strings to avoid Vietnam and then just ignored his military duty. End of story.
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