George Bush AWOL?

Hell, he was a deserter. Now, now. It is quite true. I’ve been through this several times over three years now with conservative friends. They end up changing the subject or getting all excited about

Hell, he was a deserter. Now, now. It is quite true. I’ve been through this several times over three years now with conservative friends. They end up changing the subject or getting all excited about

• Topics: USA / Global, Elections, People,
Hell, he was a deserter. Now, now. It is quite true. I've been through this several times over three years now with conservative friends. They end up changing the subject or getting all excited about Bill C putting a cigar in a sweet spot. Ahh - yes. Janet showed us exactly 1.4 seconds of an old boob. And the country goes nuts. We do get upset about trivia and ignore substance.

Bush is a deserter. These links have been posted here for years. Nothing new. George Bush - AWOL & deserter and Chickehhawks - draft dodgers. Shall I say it again? George W Bush went absent without leave from his military duty in the Air National Guard in 1972. After 30 days of not reporting for duty, it became desertion. They shot a soldier in World War II for this. Bush did not report for months - and there is a good question if he ever reported again. He simply skipped off. He pulled strings to avoid Vietnam and then just ignored his military duty. End of story.

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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