Check out this entry on my native site, The Political Junkie, for all the pictures. Trust me, the pictures are worth it.
Writer's Note: We will return to more political reporting soon. I have a follow-up on the "Doug Ericksen is anti-working people" story I posted a few days ago, and maybe another candidate interview here soon. But in the meantime, this report.
A "flashmob" is a group of people, who organize online, to assembled and carry out one specific action. Splash is the sound of a waterballon hitting you. Combine the two, and you have a "SPLASHMOB!"
Emma and Abby (pictured left) created a facebook event asking anyone and everyone to come to the corner of Railroad and Holly, and at precisely 1 p.m., engage in a giant water balloon fight. To protect innocent bystanders, the participants were instructed to wear white and only throw at people wearing white and obviously involved in the event.
So, slowly, people gathered. Many awkwardly wander around trying to guess if others were waiting too. The minutes counted down.
Before I knew it, a yellow convertible drove up next to the crowd and let loose a blast from an airhorn. Chaos exploded around me as water filled the air. I fled with camera to a safe distance and tried to catch the pandemonium.
As far as good clean fun goes, I couldn't imagine a better sort of event.
Over 85 people participated, young and old. A boy by the name of Jacob kept close to his mother's legs as she dutifully handed him balloons to throw the two feet he could throw before they ruptured on the pavement.
While there was some general grumbling about snarling traffic for fifteen minutes, I didn't see any other disgruntled passers by. There were several seemingly new friends made that day.
All and all, it was a fine day for online organizing, people who hate the heat, and general good-natured fun. To any nay-sayers out there, most of the crowd stayed afterward to help clean up all the plastic. Now that is public service.
Update: Check out a video here (warning, there is some salty language.)