Walls. So the Republicans - or the ruling faction - wants a wall between us and Mexico. And this is supposed to solve the problem? Well, this did not work for China nor Rome. And even 20 miles in Berlin did not work. And we were very critical of that wall. Walls don’t work. Plus it is ironic that the folks who most want free trade and NAFTA also want walls. The conservatives can’t be consistent for five minutes.
What works? Accommodation. And practicality. Mexicans come here and get jobs. They work. Our conservative Senators pound the podium and yell we are a nation of laws and that amnesty will only encourage more illegal immigrants. These same guys vote billion-dollar bail-outs to mega corporations that screw up and go broke. So much for allowing the process to work. They make exceptions to the laws for their friends. They subsidize corporations they like and take gifts. Big gifts. But they do not want to allow hard-working Mexicans a chance to benefit from their own work. And our economy to benefit from their work.
A note about blogging. I have always felt compelled to write thoughts here that I have not read somewhere else. Otherwise, one may as well link. I read a lot and try and stay current. Blogging has been controversial as it has become effective over the past 3 or 4 years. This NW Citizen site began in 1995 as a very inexpensive way to communicate local government information. Since then it has morphed.
As I helped start the Whatcom Independent weekly newspaper in 2003, it seemed that this blog should not post local information in competition with the paper. The Independent only covers local Whatcom County news, and so this blog comments on the national scene. I can hardly contribute to national facts, being an ordinary citizen. But for anyone to do their best putting their thoughts to a website for others to read is a legitimate activity and will be with us from now on. I will be posting more about blogs and what we can do. I encourage others to consider starting a blog. No censors. No gatekeepers. And everyone can find and read your best. Tis part of the democracy of the future. Note the new notice in the right hand column about the October Indy Media conference.
Conservatives can’t be consistent for five minutes
Walls. So the Republicans - or the ruling faction - wants a wall between us and Mexico. And this is supposed to solve the problem? Well, this did not work for China nor Rome. And even 20 miles in Berl
Walls. So the Republicans - or the ruling faction - wants a wall between us and Mexico. And this is supposed to solve the problem? Well, this did not work for China nor Rome. And even 20 miles in Berl
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