"In a society of free men (and women) the proper aim of education is to prepare an individual to make wise decisions. All else is but contributory."
Paul Woodring
In the busy days since "Rolling Rolling In Their Graves - What happened to WWU?" and "Let's Meet at Burns' Cabins", and since my subsequent interview with WWU's Western Front, I've been available for questions and open to discussion on Viking Village, Western's internet forum.
Lacking much discussion of issues - while experiencing many readers viewing these Western Forum threads - I chose to once or twice a day post short community college regional history lessons - using YouTube heavily - focusing on honoring Western's post WW2 patriarchs, introducing regional artists/educators, and also remembering the 1980s when Fairhaven College bloomed as a world leader in both Green technology and also the art of making learning fun for all. Which is to say, I have been doing a dog and pony show.
In ACT 3 I share old articles from local newspapers, and TIME magazine, that praise and/or criticize WWU.
COME SEE! Jugglers! Clowns! So many clowns.
Free! Free! So Free!
A Theatrical Tutorial In Three Acts
Exploring These Here Parts
In fond memory of Uncle Paul Woodring
STARRING: The New Old Time Chautauqua, Swil Kanim and Gene Tagaban, THE KEEP FAMILY - Pliny, Renae, Corbin and Penelope, with surprise visits from important local citizens, including amazing WWU students and former Fairhaven College Outbackers. With special salutes to Doris Day, Julie Andrews, and Gilbert and Sullivan (even when poorly produced)..
ACT 1. "Western Front with Kamalla Rose Kaur of NW Citizen"
ACT 2. "Let's Meet at Burns' Cabins"
ACT 3. "From backwater to pacesetter and back" by Joel Connelly
Join the discussion and have fun!
All Quiet On The Western Front
“In a society of free men (and women) the proper aim of education is to prepare an individual to make wise decisions. All else is but contributory.”
<a href=”http://forum.wwu.edu/node/6183” target
“In a society of free men (and women) the proper aim of education is to prepare an individual to make wise decisions. All else is but contributory.”
<a href=”http://forum.wwu.edu/node/6183” target
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Comments by Readers
David Camp
Aug 02, 2009Doris Day rocks!
David Camp
Aug 02, 2009Joel Connelly’s article struck a chord - growing up in a town where community members think not only about their own selfish interests, but about the community’s future welfare. Can we say that about B’ham now? Where greed drives destructive development in the watershed of our water supply? Where the interests of some projected future inhabitants have priority over the interests of people who live here now? Where the community’s interests in a liveable, working waterfront are given short shrift in favor of a 1970’s style development plan based on housing the wealthy retired from somewhere else and their 65 ft trophy yachts?
We can all shine their white shoes and ogle their yachts from the ribbon of public access left as a sop, I suppose. Oh - and continue to pay taxes to provide infrastructure for this development which benefits us little and mostly lines developers’ pockets.
It’s all about conversion of public goods into private wealth. (otherwise known as appropriation or self-dealing - the most basic form of abuse of trust) It’s endemic in America, and the corruption has infected every nook and cranny, including B’ham.
Not sure what the solution is but to expose the greedy takers and destroyers for what they are.