A tip of the hat to Larry Klepinger

Larry is running for Congress. He wants to replace Rick Larsen as the 2nd District’s Representative. He is a Republican but prefers to call himself a ‘New Republican’ because he has a broader view of

Larry is running for Congress. He wants to replace Rick Larsen as the 2nd District’s Representative. He is a Republican but prefers to call himself a ‘New Republican’ because he has a broader view of

Larry is running for Congress. He wants to replace Rick Larsen as the 2nd District's Representative. He is a Republican but prefers to call himself a 'New Republican' because he has a broader view of what a Republican should believe in. Larry is for a bigger tent - more tolerance of diversity, no litmus tests on such issues as gays and religion.

Larry believes with all his heart in the basic Republican values. Self responsibility and accountability. An open and free market place. Fiscal restraint by government. A careful approach to change and reform. And public accountability by elected officials.

Local Republicans snubbed Larry and refused to even allow him to use their mailing lists. I picked up some of the talk and they were not interested in the guy. They had their marching orders from the State Party bosses to support a party loyalist who had paid her dues. And to let Larry fade away. Ignore the guy. Give him absolutely no help. Even if it doesn't cost a penny.

I first met Larry last May. He is a very forthright guy. Solid. Knows who he is. Has lived an active life and has experience. He has used the Internet a lot in his campaigning - which says to me that the guy is not afraid of new ideas. Nor is he afraid to tell you exactly where he stands on any issue - even local issues that have no bearing on his run for Congress. All you need do is read his email newsletters.

You can subscribe to his frequent newsletters at his website - www.larryklepinger.com In fact, they are almost too frequent. But then again, he is presently ahead in the primary vote count. His website is easy to read, not complicated, and packed with information. I hope he doesn't let the too-smart young Republican geeks revise his website. His opponent - the anointed Suzanne Sinclair - has only hard-to-find (in kickoff) vague old mantras on her party-crafted website. If elected, she would never be allowed to speak or vote her own mind.

I will vote for Larry if he makes the General election. I bet a lot of Independents and Democrats will. Why? Because Rick Larsen is an empty suit. He is claiming credit in his TV ads for the Pipeline Bill, but he was a follower all the way on that. He spends his time hiding behind his paid staff - asking them what he should say about issues. He is obsessed with what people are saying about him and what they want to hear. He follows orders blindly from the Democratic Party bosses and the senior Democrats in Congress. Rick is a lousy representative.

Let's hope Larry wins the primary. He has too much class to rub it in on the Republican mucky mucks. But we can enjoy watching them trip all over themselves to pretend they like the guy - while they are stewing in anger. If Larry wins then he owes nothing to the party and everything to the voters. And this is what we want in a representative. Way to go, Larry.

About John Servais

Citizen Journalist and Editor • Fairhaven, Washington USA • Member since Feb 26, 2008

John started Northwest Citizen in 1995 to inform fellow citizens of serious local political issues that the Bellingham Herald was ignoring. With the help of donors from the beginning, he has [...]

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