10 killed is only the tip of the iceberg
When some of the 24 US soldiers wounded in Iraq over the weekend die from their wounds - they will not be counted as deaths in Iraq. Only those who actually die on the battlefield are counted.<
When some of the 24 US soldiers wounded in Iraq over the weekend die from their wounds - they will not be counted as deaths in Iraq. Only those who actually die on the battlefield are counted.<
10 were killed this weekend - as you know. But that figure of 610 killed so far does not count wounded who die later from wounds. Many wounded will be handicapped the rest of their lives - many severely. Nor does it count suicides and accidental deaths.
And then there is the mental and emotional toll. Thousands of soldiers will be like our Vietnam veterans - walking casualties for the rest of their lives. Best buddies of those killed and wounded. Those who killed innocent civilians - probably inadvertently. And then there are their loved ones - their mothers, fathers, siblings, friends and mates.
So - don't read "10 killed" and think only 10 lives were wrecked this weekend. The number of American lives wrecked or severely injured this weekend from the war in Iraq is probably in the hundreds. This war has a higher human cost than our government wants us to know. 10 killed is only the tip of the iceberg.
The number of Iraqis killed and wounded is only loosely reported. It is always several times the number of US military deaths. So add their loved ones to the list of those lives harmed and wrecked. And the number of wounded Iraqi civilians who will be handicapped the rest of their lives.
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