A Veterans Day Note
On this Veterans Day, a note about how vets need our government to step up - as has never been done. And a personal note on the power of words.
On this Veterans Day, a note about how vets need our government to step up - as has never been done. And a personal note on the power of words.
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe Campus Crest apartment complex may be the “victim” of a corporate restructuring plan.
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoHave added a new link to the right column this morning - under Coal, Oil & Trains: Coal ...
While smearing Seth Fleetwood over a common tax arrangement, we discover Doug Ericksen also has a benign tax lien - one he denied.
6 comments, most recent 10 years agoPoet Richard Lewis weighs in on the Tea Party values
Or why to vote for Nyima, the dog, for County Prosecutor
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoA link to Riley’s Political Junkie for excellent recommendations - and a few thoughts of my own.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoIt’s just how things roll in Whatcom County
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoUpdate Oct 22: John Lesow has posted a comment with considerable more information on this issue.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoRiley does a local political comedy show
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoThree final candidates for Bellingham Planning Director spoke today at a cozy ‘meet and greet’ of government employees and developers.
6 comments, most recent 10 years agoWherein we see that sometimes government can do what business can’t.
9 comments, most recent 10 years agoAn experienced real estate inspector provides a window to the dangeroous conditions found in rentals in Bellingham
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoRiley files a full report of the Tea Party debate for State Leg candidates
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoWherein a Fulbright scholar, professional engineer and successful business owner files for public office
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoPennsylvania has released a list of nearly 250 private water sources that have been directly and adversely affected by ...
CTV News has announced, "Native tribes from the U.S. and Canada signed a treaty Tuesday establishing an ...
Ever wonder how much you'd need to make to be in the top 1%? Check out this chart. ...
The Guardian reports, "Scientists searching for a way to predict earthquakes have uncovered the most promising lead yet, ...
The Huffington Post has published a concise list of registration and voting instructions for all 50 states. Deb Gaber
Last Thursday, the Planning Commission voted to recommend the docketing of the spot rezone of 801 Samish from Residential Single to Commerical Planned (non-retail)
6 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe AP is reporting, “The Army is opening the door for women to go to Ranger school, ...
According to a post on Bernie Sanders Senate website, "Most network evening news broadcasts and Sunday shows have ...
It's a math problem. Deb Gaber
Political junkies will thoroughly enjoy the three reads linked here. One is Nate Silver the well known ...
We post a disturbing report of a personal encounter along Samish Way, with the permission of John Stark, who experienced it.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoWith Scotland set to vote on independence from Great Britian tomorrow, I came across this map. An accompanying ...
The New York Times is reporting on a financial survey done by the Fed, "YOUNG families are ...
Maybe every vote does count. Dear Ms. Gaber: Thank you for your interest in the GP West Site.&...
KING5.com has posted an article about a new Standard & Poor’s report. “Washington is ...
Wink, wink Deb Gaber
Aljazeera is reporting, "In a ruling that could reverberate nationwide, a federal judge has struck down Ohio's ...
"Scientists have taken a major step forward in the production of hydrogen from water, which could lead to ...
According to Vice.com, “It should come as no surprise that most mobile apps run some sort ...
An article on the website IFLScience is showcasing some new food packaging being designed in Sweden. "The new ...
According to The Independent, "Switzerland would grant Edward Snowden asylum if he revealed the extent of espionage activities ...
Riley and John share the short list of who might replace Cathy Lehman on the Bellingham city council on January 5.
8 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe SFWeekly reported that, "The internet's all in a tizzy the past few days thanks to a ...
Deb Gaber
The Guardian is reporting, "On 10 September, tech firms including Etsy, FourSquare, KickStarter, Mozilla, Reddit and Vimeo will install ...
"The Tacoma Police Department sent out a press release Wednesday that began: “The Tacoma Police Department has ...
Popular Mechanics has an interview with Ladar Levison, "...the owner of the encrypted email startup Lavabit. After Edward ...
Business Insider recently printed this graph along with an article. Here is an excerpt. "In a note to ...
The Guardian is reporting that "The US cable industry called on the Federal Communications Commission on Friday to ...
The Huffington Post ran this story about the Inside Out project in April. The enormous photo is posted ...
Photo: Hannah Potes, Billings Gazette "We are standing with Washington’s faith leaders today to tell Gateway ...
A 20 minute video of Gordie Tweit has just been posted to YouTube. Bellingham mural artist Lanny Little created ...
A recent article on aidsmap.com announces, “A novel and relatively simple vaccine that can be administered ...
According to a press release from Seattle Childrens Hospital, "Scientists at Seattle Children’s Research Institute have ...
An article in the September issue of Smithsonian Magazine reports that British archaeologist, "(Vince) Gaffney’s latest ...
While the state spends hundreds of thousands of dollars defining risks of crude by rail, Skagit County finds no significant adverse impacts of a crude-by-rail proposal.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoThe website IFLScience is reporting that, “This October, a clinical trial is set to begin in which ...
Thousands of bogus tickets. Yep, our old nemisis, ATS Red Light Cameras, the operation that almost got to ...
Patrick McKee of the Sunnyland Neighborhood guest-writes about the August 11 City Council slap-dash zoning changes.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoRiley Sweeney’s Political Junkie has breaking news of Cathy Lehman of the Bellingham City Council planning to ...
According to a recent post on TPM, “Microsoft said on Tuesday that it will end its involvement ...
"In 2012, according to data compiled by the FBI, 410 Americans were “justifiably” killed by police—409 with ...
Not content with causing massive inconvenience, BNSF is now literally dumping on county residents.
10 comments, most recent 10 years agoThis graphic generated by moveon.org shows the shrinking choice of our news media. Deb Gaber
This map was published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Deb Gaber
With the events in Ferguson, Missouri, revealing to all Americans this past week just how far we have ...
The Guardian reports, "A small group of beekeepers in Mexico has inflicted a blow on biotech giant ...
Judith Green of the Sunnyland Neighborhood guest writes this brief summary of what went wrong with the planning last week.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoIt takes the NY Times to tell us what military equipment has been given to our Whatcom County ...
A massive upgrade of the Cascade [rail] Corridor has left residents stranded and the sheriff asking Washington, DC, to intervene.
7 comments, most recent 10 years agoSandy Robson guest writes of the need for real prosperity at Cherry Point, not a destructive short term coal port that destroys the fishing grounds.
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoAccording to an article in Reuters, "President Barack Obama is loosening restrictions on lobbyists who want to serve ...
Renowned intellegence reporter and author, James Bamford, has an important and valuable article in Wired magazine. It is ...
The Hill is reporting that, "A shattering new study by two political science professors has found that ordinary ...
Anyone following government affairs knows that phony public process and piecemeal planning are all the rage these days. ...
Today, I came across a Washington Post article from 2013. I wonder why it didn't catch on. "The ...
Some Context for the Primary Results
Reuters is reporting, "Jobs growth in the U.S. since the 2008 recession has been undermined by lower wages, ...
Bellingham City Council abruptly changes zoning codes to force Planning Department plan on Sunnyland residents.
7 comments, most recent 10 years agoToday’s Google News top story - and illustration. Big explosion there. But despite the headline about “rocket ...
A new post on PHYS.ORG reports, "A pilot flying over the Nazca desert after a recent sandstorm ...
Updated Wed evening. The Tuesday evening 8:20 pm Auditor report on the election is in.
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoNews1130 is reporting, "The numbers are in for pot sales down in Washington state, and it’s ...
The Washington Post is reporting, "Last year, lawmakers in Texas forced through legislation that amounts to a frontal ...
In Dublin, Irish Senator David Norris spoke for 8.5 minutes in the Irish Congress. And his voice is being ...
In honor of election day, here's a map published by vox.com that shows what the U....
According ot Yahoo! News, "The U.S. government is creating a safe place for bees on national wildlife ...
Wow! Studies show exercise improves health. Some say five minutes, others six seconds. Is there a simple ‘take-away’? ...
Councilmember Murphy’s proposal is based on a complaint-based rental ordinance from Tacoma, demonstrated to do little for the health and safety of tenants.
15 comments, most recent 7 years agoCarefully planned actions are rolling across the state to make the point that it’s not OK to expose us to risks associated with CBR.
7 comments, most recent 10 years agoPlaintiffs John and Mary Ferlin of the Ferlin Family Trust, J & M’s LLC, Brooks Manufacturing and ...
The Weather Underground website has posted the first photos. "These are the first-ever images taken of Er Wang ...
An article on VICE.com reports: "The Satanic Temple announced on Monday that “informed consent” abortion ...
Catherine Rampell, in a recent Washington Post article, follows a Supreme Court ruling to the next logical step. ...
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but ...
According to a recent article in the New York Times: "Economic inequality in the United States has been ...
According to an article posted on the Washington Post website: "House and Senate negotiators have reached a tentative ...
According to an article published in the Imperial College London News, "Mathematical modelling work by Drs Michael Pickles ...
A new article on the IFLScience website reports on a revolutionary new plan to release genetically modified mosquitos ...
This almost could be labeled ‘how I’m voting’ except I would vote for Seth Fleetwood if I ...
A recent Washington Post story looks at the high price of specialty drugs--and who should get them. "Months ...
Northwest Citizen has conducted a phone poll of likely voters, with some surprising results!
9 comments, most recent 10 years agoAccording to a piece on npr, "The Federal Communications Commission received more than 1 million (1,067,779) public comments on the ...
In contravention of the Bellingham Municipal Code, the City Council will consider on 4 August a last minute docketing request that ignores the Planning Commission and Samish Neighborhood.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoGuest writer Mike Rostron explains how Bellingham city planners played loose and illegal with planning processes.
According to a new article by James Vincent in The Independent, "Apple has been accused of intentionally installing ...
Newsweek magazine reports, "Last February, around 39,000 tons of toxic coal slurry gushed into a major North Carolina river. ...
Sunnlyland residents win one - after a seven year effort. Planning Department failed them and all of us.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoHere's a two minute video you'll be glad you watched. Keywords: whales, kayak Deb Gaber
An article posted on Quartz looks at the salmon fishing industry in the U.S. Below is an ...
According to Science Illustrated: It took the radio 38 years to reach 50 million people, but it took 20 for the ...
According to a July 20, New York Times article: "After government testing showed that scores of consumer products carrying ...
Landlords are so caught up opposing a licensing and inspection ordinance, they cannot see the upside for them in ridding the city of bad rentals.
19 comments, most recent 10 years agoJudith Green explains how the Bellingham Planning Department is trying to cram their plan onto a neighborhood.
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoAccording to a new article by Ron Klain in Slate, "...while I too oppose Citizens United and decry ...
The July 10 Planning Commission Meeting was worthy of note. A Commission majority seems to be growing comfortable with ...
Years after BP completed its north dock, the Army Corps of Engineers released a draft EIS and it’s really really stupid.
Ellen Murphy had a pithy and very tongue in cheek letter turned down by the Herald. She penned ...
The County Council has unanimously authorized widespread slaughter throughout much of rural Whatcom County. Check this map. If ...
Riley has an interesting post with his good opinions about the local yocals of Open Carry wanting to ...
Just sayin’ Tip Johnson
The city council “persuades” the city administration to withdraw a request for an intrusive police threat warning system
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoIt is time we stop allowing corporations to externalize the costs associated with their risky business practices, and demand more from our regulators who hold the keys to the kingdom.
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoSen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) has repeatedly said that solar industry jobs in the U.S. have now ...
Guest writer Sandy Robson breaks the story of officials from Washington treated to a coal-promoting junket to Wyoming.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoResearch finds that folks prefer their beliefs to the facts and that institutions lend much to the confusion. “…(...
Ferndale’s most famous landmark is frequently commented on and is often in the news. Here is their side of the story.
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoEllen Murphy sent us a statement that sums up some interesting aspects of Bellingham Herald reporting. The Herald ...
On the anniversary of the Lac-Megantic disaster, communities throughout North America rally in solidarity to remember and protest wholly inadequate government response to crude-by-rail’s risks.
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoAccording to The National Journal, "It's going to be a little more difficult to ferret out which ...
Most of my progressive friends and I seem to check the Huffington Post and TPM every day. We ...
‘Nature’s God’ explores ‘heretical origins’ of religion in U.S. According to Matthew Stewart, author of “Nature’...
In the Weekly, Tim Johnson left out three words in quoting Craig Cole - and his story misleads readers. Guest article by Sandy Robson.
11 comments, most recent 10 years agoHillary calls Obama ‘incompetent and feckless’ in a boozy rant? According to Edward Klein, best-selling author of “Blood ...
Pentagon Funds ‘Terror Studies’ to Dissect and Neutralize Dissenters “…the military has commissioned U.S. universities to help ...
In a politically inflammatory alert, the Northwest Jobs Alliance asserts that “…Cherry Point industrial job base,…was the ...
Guess which country does the most good for the planet? “To cut a long story short, I discovered ...
The Bellingham Police Department wants to purchase “threat assessment” software with federal monies. Citizen comments were vehement and negative. City Council confused.
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoOver at Whatcom Hawk, Wendy Harris highlights the following development: The city is gearing up to buy NSA-like ...
Trader sues over skimpy $8.25 million bonus Deeb Salem wrote about “a short squeeze involving derivatives linked to subprime ...
Public input missing from White House meetings on rail safety rules If elections matter so much, why don’...
Post-Crash Economics Robert Skidelsky is a Professor Emeritus of Political Economy at Warwick University, a fellow of the ...
Here’s what corporations and environmental regulators are up to: Wrecking the effin’ food chain of the Salish ...
Roger Stark, a retired physician and policy analyst at the Washington Policy Center, wrote a scathing editorial entitled “...
Wherein the failings of a bad policy framework are revealed
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoBefore the city of Fairhaven gave up and joined Bellingham, the water supply had gotten so bad folks ...
The County seems convinced that our road network won’t survive without spraying Round-Up all over the place. ...
The possession and use of consumer fireworks are no longer permitted within the city limits.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoPoet Richard Lewis on education
The uber conservative website, Breitbart.com, was the first to report and show us the photos of thousands ...
There is a new link posted in the right column under the category “Good Web Sites.” A subjective ...
Wyoming Senators and coal honchos were in Whatcom County June 10 - to hold a news conference with select reporters.
7 comments, most recent 10 years agoHas the county devised a long term back-up plan for the GPT dock when SSA's coal dump ...
Bellingham Hearing Examiner, Dawn Sturwold, retires in three weeks. Successor selection is hidden from all of us.
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoOn Saturday, the residents of the Happy Valley neighborhood in South Bellingham turned out for their long planned ...
Bellingham City Planner Jeff Thomas, has been hired by the city of Sammamish and will start work there ...
The poet for the Whatcom Independent back 8 years ago, has accepted our invitation to submit occasional poems to NWCitizen.
This short seven minutes explains the persistence of demonically-possessed, slaughter-crazed ideological legislative nonsense far better than any County ...
Part 2: Following Ken Oplinger to California, and Home Again
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoIs Bellingham Public Works pushing the $1.4 million center-of-street curb project on Alabama Street because they want to spend ...
I happened to be at the HUB prior to the first planned naked bike ride when an officer ...
The Green Party of Whatcom County will host the first candidate forum next Thursday, June 12, from 7 to 9:30 p....
This morning’s Gristle online at the Cascadia Weekly is particularly good. It exposes how the Port of ...
A revealing, less than 2 minute video of a SSA official apparently giving a deposition in the lawsuit that ...
Local book author, Walter Haugen, was on the Joe Show and you can listen to the podcast here. &...
A Venn diagram where coal, the Endangered Species Act, Republicans, and Wyoming’s Board of Education collide.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoA perspective by guest writer Ellen Murphy reflects on the Whatcom Watch and the threatened law suit by Craig Cole.
22 comments, most recent 10 years agoWhy was so little consideration given to the concept of developing the waterfront for eco-tourism?
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoCity park improvements have implications on the local and global scale.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoWyoming is ready to try and legally force us to limit our environmental scoping for the Cherry Point coal terminal
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoReckless rezones and far-fetched explanations result in more slaughterhouses and meat packing plants
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoRiley takes a closer look at the Charter Review Commission candidates
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoBellingham’s annual water quality report indicates that city hall’s propoganda machine is going strong
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoPart 1: Introduction to the Bellingham Basin’s Potential for Fracking, Earthquakes, and Earthquakes Due to Fracking
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe Political Junkie for Whatcom County - that would be Riley Sweeney - has Overstreet not running for reelection in the 42nd.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoWhy Washington must step in and assume lead agency status in Skagit County for the Shell crude by rail proposal.
6 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe value of a Precinct Committee Officer …
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoWherein the gyrations of the bid for widespread county slaughter are exposed.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoMove to Amend is a national movement to amend the U.S. Constitution and define persons as people and speech as not money.
7 comments, most recent 10 years agoRiley posted this morning that Seth Fleetwood has decided to challenge Doug Ericksen for state senate in the 42nd District.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoEvery Bellingham Planning Commission member has ties to development or development-related businesses.
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoA closer look at Whatcom County’s industrial “stewards of the environment.”
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe public needs to support city council and request that a waterfront habitat assessment include terrestrial species and habitat connectivity.
or How Not to Plan for Future Generations’ Water Needs
12 comments, most recent 10 years agoA simple explanation of the Charter Review and analysis of District only voting
City pushes for Alabama Street improvements, residents speak out
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoBy Christopher Grannis: Wherein despite every effort and expense, citizens cannot make the City follow the law or work for neighborhoods
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoWhy commenting on the EIS for Comp Plan revisions for Cherry Point means demanding an EIS in the first place.
5 comments, most recent 10 years agoAmbling University Development Group pulls out. University Ridge will not be built.
12 comments, most recent 10 years agoPlease help us protect county wildlife by ensuring that the scope of the EIS review is adequate. A sample scoping letter is included.
The public has a week to comment on the scope of issues reviewed under the EIS.
On March 26, 2014 the city and county provided their update and assessment on the status of Lake Whatcom. This is mine.
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoRiley digs into the county’s plan to buy the county morgue
3 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe public is not provided with a proposed plan or adequate information prior to the annual “state of the lake” meeting
4 comments, most recent 10 years agoWherein there’s a crackdown on growing plants, and plans to let slaughter run free
2 comments, most recent 10 years agoFukushima radiation has been found 20 miles from Whatcom County farmland along the Fraser River in British Columbia.
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoThe infamous American Legislative Exchange Council plans to send its spawn to cities and counties throughout the U.S.
1 comment, most recent 5 years agoRiley catches State Rep. Vincent Buys for soliciting funds during session
Riley digs into an unusual hiring decision at the County Planning Dept
1 comment, most recent 10 years agoThe editor of the Whatcom Watch, Richard Jehn, has resigned effective today. Chalk up a victory for Craig Cole and Pacific International Terminals.
8 comments, most recent 10 years agoThe full text of Craig Cole’s threatening letter of libel against the Whatcom Watch. And the emptiness of the threat.
16 comments, most recent 10 years agoWe were led to believe the city would review waterfront wildlife and habitat connectivity. It turns out that the city intends to focus only on nearshore fish.
Accepting the Paul deArmond award of citizen journalism on Feb 7, Wendh Harris gave this speech. We think it deserves its own post.
Craig Cole, the local contact for the proposed Cherry Point coal port has threatened the Whatcom Watch with a libel lawsuit.
6 comments, most recent 10 years ago