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Ads lie

How did Bush get in the National Guard and avoid Vietnam?

Let the truth prevail. What is wrong with the Swift Boat ads that trash Kerry’s Vietnam record? Is it because they are 527 ads? No. Is

How did Bush get in the National Guard and avoid Vietnam?

Let the truth prevail. What is wrong with the Swift Boat ads that trash Kerry’s Vietnam record? Is it because they are 527 ads? No. Is

• Topics: Elections, News Media, People,
How did Bush get in the National Guard and avoid Vietnam?

Let the truth prevail. What is wrong with the Swift Boat ads that trash Kerry's Vietnam record? Is it because they are 527 ads? No. Is it because this is negative campaigning? No. Is it because we should not criticize war veterans? No. Is it because only the Bush Campaign organization and the Republican Party should be allowed to run TV ads about the candidates? No.

What is wrong with the ads is they are full of lies and distortions. Lies that have been proven to be wrong. That is what is wrong. While polls show Americans generally don't believe the ads, the polls also show the ads have been effective in lowering Americans' opinion of Kerry. And Karl Rove and the Republican campaign machinery know this. And more lies will follow. Because even lies can damage Kerry.

Ads lie

By John ServaisOn Aug 27, 2004

How did Bush get in the National Guard and avoid Vietnam?

Let the truth prevail. What is wrong with the Swift Boat ads that trash Kerry’s Vietnam record? Is it because they are 527 ads? No. Is

The military sure likes to cover up information

By John ServaisOn Aug 26, 2004

Make it disappear. Never happened. The 205th Military Brigade - the outfit running the Abu Ghraib prison - has deleted the links to pages with photos of their officers and staff goofing off in Iraq. G

Bill Mize is turning over in his grave

By John ServaisOn Aug 25, 2004

This morning the Rome Grange canceled the Motor Boats Off issue from their agenda at this evening’s Bill Mize Forum. Why? Threats and demands from the motor-boating community. Rational used to cancel:

Let truth prevail

By John ServaisOn Aug 23, 2004

The military records of Kerry and Bush are relevant. Both sides have spent millions because they think the American voters care. We are in a war and personal military experience is relevant.


Rove is behind the Kerry attack ads

By John ServaisOn Aug 22, 2004

The Bush campaign machine’s smear of Kerry’s service record is beginning to backfire. Soon, when attention is turned to Bush’s record, watch the Republicans scream foul. None screamed as lies were tol

Once, only Democrats or wimpy liberals would do it

By John ServaisOn Aug 19, 2004

Bush ads are trashing a Vietnam veteran’s record. The trashing of Vietnam veterans is supposedly the realm of war-hating hippies and liberals. Republicans have expressed their disdain about this for o

Saying Bush is for democracy is like . . .

By John ServaisOn Aug 16, 2004

So - will the Bush government now seek a violent way to overthrow Chavez as president of Venezuela now that he has easily survived the recall referendum? Our CIA and other secret U.S. agencies have be

The best comment yet on the movie

By John ServaisOn Aug 15, 2004

Fahrenheit 911, in my opinion. Dan Carpenter of the Indianapolis Star puts the movie into perspective.

Anyone want to step forward?

By John ServaisOn Aug 02, 2004

The Mercury Study by the U.S. Geological Survey has been released. It is available as a PDF file.

Bush is a one-trick pony

By John ServaisOn Jul 13, 2004

He has his leering look as he leans over a podium and says the US is safer with Saddam removed from power. That’s it. And variations on that. He has it down pat. He stumbles when he speaks of anything

Postpone the election?

By John ServaisOn Jul 12, 2004

Well, no surprise. And not even close to the extreme measures the weird people behind Bush will go to in order to avoid being thrown out of office. They went ballistic when Clinton was elected. They u

Have you seen the movie yet?

By John ServaisOn Jul 11, 2004

Seems most of my conservative friends are avoiding it. But they tell me what they think of Michael Moore and they are not nice comments. They should see the movie first.

Fahrenheit 9/11

Saw Fahrenheit 9/11

By John ServaisOn Jul 03, 2004

Very good documentary. The Democrats do not get off clean. The Democrats are well documented in the movie going along with Bush’s absurd war against Iraq. They are shown as mindless suits without a bi

Fahrenheit 9/11 is breaking records

By John ServaisOn Jul 01, 2004

This from the movie revenue watch website Box Office MoJo: “In terms of raw dollars, Fahrenheit is actually the biggest opening ever for a movie playing at less than 1,000 theaters, topping Roc

Americans had to really want to see this movie

By John ServaisOn Jun 30, 2004

No showing of Fahrenheit 9/11 in Bellingham this past week. Why not? Because Regal Cinema booked the rights to show it but waited to see if it was well attended. Regal controls all three movie

Leave no proof behind

By John ServaisOn Jun 17, 2004

From a friend who is an enlisted person in the military - in a combat unit. The officers - the lieutenants - of his unit lectured them this week about torture. The officers said the enlisted soldiers

We are remembering Reagan for the wrong reasons

By John ServaisOn Jun 10, 2004

and we will suffer for it. Reagan did not win the Cold War. Communism was systemically fatal - just as all the conservatives kept saying. Reagan did do the right things to end the Cold War - and he de

Mercury in Lake Whatcom

By John ServaisOn Jun 03, 2004

Today the Washington Department of Ecology released a report that says, basically, that mercury in the lake is less now than in the past. “Decreasing” is the operative word.

Local conservatives

Re: Chamber of Commerce insert in today’s Bellingham Herald

By John ServaisOn May 24, 2004

The initiative is ‘remove motor boats’, notremove boats’ from Lake Whatcom. Our Chamber of Commerce just lies in print to achieve their goal of defeating the initiative.

The Military Intelligence units are beginning to be exposed

By John ServaisOn May 18, 2004

ABC News has an exclusive interview with a sergeant in the 302 MI Battalion, a unit of Col Pappas 205 MI Brigade. See NwCit report below of May 4 - two weeks ago. The sergeant says there was and is a