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Deja vu of 1996

Chuckanut Ridge is a controversy now - and it is deja vu of 1996. On October ‘96, NwCitizen broke new information and posted three reports that helped to stop the development. It also recommended that

Chuckanut Ridge is a controversy now - and it is deja vu of 1996. On October ‘96, NwCitizen broke new information and posted three reports that helped to stop the development. It also recommended that

• Topics: Bellingham, Greenspaces, Leisure,
Chuckanut Ridge is a controversy now - and it is deja vu of 1996. On October '96, NwCitizen broke new information and posted three reports that helped to stop the development. It also recommended that Greenways buy up the area - or some of it. Greenways could have done this and put in place some covenants to prevent any wrong development in the future of the area.

9 years later we are facing the same problem again. Developers plan several 10-story apartment buildings for the 100-acre woods.

Read the 1996 postings. Judge for yourself if we have squandered 9 years with inaction. Some of the people leading the objections to the current development have done nothing about it for 9 years.

I have left local issues alone on NwCitizen since helping to start the Whatcom Independent weekly newspaper in 2003. This post is an exception and is done because the 1996 postings are relevant to our concerns today. The Indy is reporting on this issue during this summer. Pick it up and see what we have to tell you.

Deja vu of 1996

By John ServaisOn Jun 12, 2005

Chuckanut Ridge is a controversy now - and it is deja vu of 1996. On October ‘96, NwCitizen broke new information and posted three reports that helped to stop the development. It also recommended that

How small are our military leaders?

By John ServaisOn Jun 05, 2005

Very. How childish and petty? Very. How uncaring in supporting our soldiers? Very. How incompetent and wasting of lives and money while not paying attention to the basics of war? Very.


New web sites

By John ServaisOn May 30, 2005

The folks trying to buy the 100-acre Fairhaven Highlands proposed development and turn it into a city park now have their own website - One Hundred Acre Wood.

New - local website that addresses

Media conference a surprising success

By John ServaisOn May 21, 2005

The media conference was a surprising success. Surprising because so many attended and were very focused on learning more about independent media. Over 20 people attended all the sessions I checked ou

Independent media should be of interest

By John ServaisOn May 18, 2005

There is an interesting media conference this Saturday, May 21, in Bellingham, that is oriented towards independent and grassroots efforts. This includes blogs, public TV and radio, small newspapers,

This “blog” now approaching its 10th anniversary

By John ServaisOn May 15, 2005

Well, when my sainted aunt writes asking if I’m feeling OK because nothing has been posted here, then it is time to pay attention to this blog. With over 300 people a day checking for posts, I could b

Sequoia voting machines being challenged

By John ServaisOn May 05, 2005

Our county auditor has decided to buy vote-counting machines with secret software. Here is a link to information on a lawsuit in Everett dealing with these same machines. Sequoia machines are being ch

Larsen feels no need to be accountable

By John ServaisOn Apr 25, 2005

Apparently my name is on Larsen’s black list. He has replied to some others on his vote for the bankruptcy bill - but only, as he writes, because they support him. He explains that only 25 people emai

Hey Rick - call home

By John ServaisOn Apr 18, 2005

Still no answer from Rick Larsen’s staff. No answer to direct questions has been the process for the past couple years. His office probably responds the same day to questions from lobbyists, PR firms

Rick is catering to some wealthy donors

By John ServaisOn Apr 14, 2005

Rick Larsen is voting with the conservative Republicans these days. Rick was one of the key few Democrats who voted FOR the harsh new bankruptcy law - and for the elimination of all estate taxe

Two years since the invasion of Iraq

By John ServaisOn Mar 20, 2005

Shock and awe was the strategy of the Bush government. Maybe we are in shock now as our kids continue to be killed and maimed. 1,500 dead and thousands with blown off limbs. We may soon be in awe of t

They fooled me

By John ServaisOn Mar 13, 2005

Sinn Fein is a sham. Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein are fronts for the IRA - the Irish Republican Army and its brutal methods of torture and killing of innocent Irish.

Shame on Brazil

By John ServaisOn Feb 13, 2005

The government will arrest some poor guys and execute them for the murder of Sister Stang. The government will say they are shocked, just shocked. But the government of Brazil is relieved that Stang i

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

By John ServaisOn Feb 12, 2005

Maria Cantwell has voted to restrict class-action law suits - siding with the Bush administration to remove legal rights from working people. My Democratic friends seem to be silent on her voting reco

Iraqi election

By John ServaisOn Jan 30, 2005

With the Bush government in high celebration of the Iraqi election, and all the TV news reporting from the Green Zone that all is going great - even though they only know what the US Army tells them -

Tsunami relief

By John ServaisOn Jan 11, 2005

What if we gave $10 for every American. That would be $3 billion. Family of three? Give $30.

Military’s highest and best use

By John ServaisOn Jan 06, 2005

Let’s not criticize George Bush for being slow to respond to the tsunami disaster. Unless you will also hammer UN Secretary Kofi Annan for spending three more days at the Jackson Hole ski resort after

Ebb and flow

By John ServaisOn Jan 03, 2005

These photos below may not be of the Tsunami. An email says they are of the Qiantang Tidal Bore in China - a real tidal wave generated by the tides.

Tidal photos

By John ServaisOn Jan 01, 2005

Where? Indonesia is my guess. They were sent to me. If you know any more about the location, please let me know. The bottom photo is a close up of the second photo’s far right side, just behind the gr

How the tsunami crossed the ocean

By John ServaisOn Dec 29, 2004

An animated map of the Indian Ocean shows how the deep-ocean waves sped out from the earthquake. NOAA prepared the map.

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