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Tis time to focus on local issues

Elections this fall could bring positive change to Whatcom County and Bellingham. In particular, we need a new Mayor and we need a new Port Commissioner. The challenge is not convincing the voters

Elections this fall could bring positive change to Whatcom County and Bellingham. In particular, we need a new Mayor and we need a new Port Commissioner. The challenge is not convincing the voters

Elections this fall could bring positive change to Whatcom County and Bellingham. In particular, we need a new Mayor and we need a new Port Commissioner. The challenge is not convincing the voters who to vote for - it is getting good, qualified candidates. When you are faced with an incumbent you cannot stand and challengers who do not even know the issues then you feel like not even voting. And we then suffer through 4 more years.

Encourage qualified people to run for elective office. Promise them money and shoe leather. Liberal and Conservative are empty labels for our local offices. The local Democratic party is so divided as to be dysfunctional. The Republicans have bought into a national program that has no local relevance. We need intelligent, informed and courageous persons to run for office. I'll take integrity over agreement on issues every time. In over 40 years of political activism, it has been a lesson I've learned over and over.

I think we have a good chance to bump Mark Asmundson out of office and I hope all - conservative and liberal - will support whoever makes it through the Primary Election against him. We have been divided in the past and Mark has won. The vast majority of Bellingham citizens want a new mayor. Let's have a vigorous Primary Election and support the winning challenger.

I will post info on the Port of Bellingham race in a day or two. First I need to confirm some rumors. This is close to my heart, of course. We have such potential with our Port and we have squandered our money and planning for over 20 years on wasteful projects. Bellweather, the International Trade Building at the Airport - formerly the KAP building. And a confusing web of roads at Squalicum Harbor that replaced roads that worked just fine. And many, many more.

Tis time to focus on local issues

By John ServaisOn May 01, 2003

Elections this fall could bring positive change to Whatcom County and Bellingham. In particular, we need a new Mayor and we need a new Port Commissioner. The challenge is not convincing the voters

The distortions continue

By John ServaisOn Apr 30, 2003

The American media are reporting the basics of the massacre of unarmed Iraqi civilians by our US Army two days ago. Finally. But they are using the lowest reported numbers - not the higher and more re

Casualty reports were fabricated by the US military

By John ServaisOn Apr 29, 2003

and the US news media cooperated in the big lie. As the war ended around mid April, the truth was revealed but you probably did not read it anywhere.. About April 9, the US wounded was listed a

What should we, who opposed the war, now think or feel?

By John ServaisOn Apr 09, 2003

I can write for myself.

We have liberated Iraq. Now we should work to allow them to rule themselves. We should turn their country over to them quickly. We don’t have to teach them anything.

Local news first today

By John ServaisOn Apr 08, 2003

Reliable rumor has it that local radio news guy, Brett Bonner, might run for mayor of Bellingham. If he does, then Mayor Mark is in deep trouble with his reelection bid. Brett knows the local i

I’m splitting up the contents of this blog

By John ServaisOn Apr 06, 2003

between local and national. Today, Local is down a bit.

Huge battle for Baghdad airport raging right now - yet our American “news” media are not reporting it. Our forces have been driven back f

War; anti-Canadian flyers, not geese

By John ServaisOn Apr 03, 2003

War. The rescue of Jessica was a very slick operation. Now we learn that she fought as a true soldier before her capture. This highly technical operation is what we do so well. We applaud the rescuers

Peace Events this week:

By John ServaisOn Apr 02, 2003

Fools for Peace: April 1 - Tuesday. Beginning at 4pm in Maritime Heritage Park. General foolishness. Costumes encouraged: Be Bush or a general, or Commander Wrongway Peachfuzz or whatever strik

At the Bellis Faire parking lot,

By John ServaisOn Apr 02, 2003

flyers are being put on windshields of cars with Canadian license plates that read: “We in America are disappointed in Canadians and your government. You are not welcome in America. Go back where you

The Bellingham Herald has been sold

By John ServaisOn Apr 01, 2003

to a group of local investors in Bellingham. Gannett Corporation will hold a press conference this afternoon in Alexandria, Virginia - Gannett headquarters - to announce this. The reason is unsure, bu

Freedom of the Press?

By John ServaisOn Mar 31, 2003

Our right to learn from different points of view what is happening? That is typically thrown out the window in war time and Americans are fed the official ‘rah rah we are winning and they are sneaky i

Truthful war coverage by American Corporate media?

By John ServaisOn Mar 28, 2003

Hardly. We went two days without any casualty reports. Even now, they report “killed” American soldiers, but not the total wounded. A person with a life-crippling wound is worthy of all our concern an

Season’s Greetings

By John ServaisOn Dec 24, 2002

Our annual holiday greetings to readers

Herald Distorts Facts In Favor Of Developer

By John ServaisOn Oct 20, 1996

Chuckanut Ridge will not have 14.5 homes per acre, as reported by the Herald today. With Facts Wrong, Discussion Is Skewed.

Election results post - Sep 19, 1995

By John ServaisOn Sep 19, 1995

Northwest Citizen started in 1995. This may be the first post - but obviously it started sooner, per witness the political campaign sites.

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